Joke Entry #69

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Knock knock....

  Who's there?

'come back to me'

   Comeback to me who?

🎶 Comeback to me-bok ang puso


Knock knock

   -Who's there?

New Zealand

   -New Zealand who?

🎶 New Zealand ka sa mundong ito, laking tuwa ng magulang mo....


Knock knock...

    Who's there?


   -Hito who?

🎶 Hito akooo! Basambasa sa ulaaaan..


Knock knock..

   -Who's there?

Garlic,Onion Tomato

    -Garlic,Onion tomato who?

🎶 NewYoooooork! Garlic, Garlic Onion Tomatooo!

Joke shared by: @Alexandra_badgirl

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