I Hate Her (E. O'Connor)

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Hi my name is Chloe Elizabeth Johnson and I've been living with Miss P. for some time now. And I have come to the conclusion that I absolutely hate Olive. And I absolutely love Enoch. See my problem?

All Olive ever does is complain about how Enoch doesn't show his love for her and how I should stop trying because he apparently "loves" her. I don't believe that for a second, seeing as though every time she tries to hug him, he tries his hardest to leave the room she's in.

She's even told Miss P. about it. Trying to find a way to force Miss P. make the two get together. Which Miss P. always turns down.

Speaking of Miss P. , I think I hear her calling for supper.

Walking to the kitchen I'm met with a hilarious scene. Hugh and Millard are both trying to sit in the same seat, while Horace is desperately trying to make them stop. With Claire, Bronwyn, and Fiona laughing hysterically. Hearing the click of Miss Peregrine's heels I join Horace in trying to break them up, knowing we'd all get in trouble for something like this.

After a few struggles I decide to sit in between them both so they can't reach each other during supper. Soon enough, everyone else walks in and joins us at the table.

Fortunately Enoch sits right across from me, unfortunately Olive is right next to him.

I just roll my eyes and wait until we're allowed to eat. Which luckily is now. I start to dig in until I hear Olive giggle and touch Enoch's shoulder. He's laughing too.

I look back at my plate and notice that my fork isn't there. I cringe as I hear her giggle again. And there goes the knife. I absorbed it.

Oh yeah, I almost forgot, my peculiarity is that I can absorb things. It gets annoying though because I can't control it when I'm upset sometimes.

I look up and straight at Miss Peregrine and she nods her head, excusing me from supper early.

I go up to my room and slam the door. Why is she so annoying all the time. And what, is he just finally giving in?

Whatever it is, I don't like it. Not one bit. Hearing a knock at the door, I'm expecting Millard or Horace, but Jacob walks in.

"Do you want to talk about it?" Of course I wanted to say that I was fine and that everything was okay, but I had to tell somebody.

"Yes, please." I said sitting on the bed and motioning for him to sit as well.

We talked for what seemed like hours, which is was, and I think Jacob and I have just become really close. Like brother and sister close. And I'm okay with that.

We're laying on the bed, my head in the crease of his arm and his other arm behind his own head. This was what I needed. To get it all out. I just needed a friend to talk to.

I didn't even realise we had fallen asleep until I heard giggles and saw almost all of the children in the doorway of my room.

I could also see Enoch in the back with a dissapointed look on his face.

"Ha ha we fell asleep. What's so funny about that?" I asked in general. Little by little they scurried away.


Later that night, I decided to confront Enoch on the look he gave earlier. It had been in my mind all day.

I didn't even have a chance to knock on his door, he shouted "Go away,I'm busy!"

Me, being the hardheaded person I am, I walked in any way.

"Seriously? You're not even working on anythiny." I said walking in and seeing him laying on his stomach staring at nothing.

He mumbled a whatever.

"Anyway, I wanted to ask you something about earlier."

"Well if you want my blessing to marry Jacob, you go right ahead. I can't stop you." He spoke in a harsh tone.

"Enoch, there's nothing going on between Jacob and I, I wanted his advice on how to handle not having you." I trailed off.

He looked at me surprised. Then slowly got up from his bed.

"What do you mean "not having me"?" He asked quietly.

"I mean, I really like you but I've had competition." He looked stunned.

"Wait so you mean to tell me, the girl I've been chasing, was chasing me?" His voice cracked a little making "me" sound like a seven year old had said it.

"Yeah, kinda. Wait, you were chasing me?" I asked.

"Well of course. Was it not obvious?" I shook my head but smiled.

I hugged him, and he slowly tilted my head up to meet his, and planted a sweet, loving kiss. Before we could fully enjoy it though, Olive walked in.

"Hey Enoch- wha- UGH! MISS PEREGRINE!" And with that she stormed off.

"I hate her." I said simply, causing Enoch to chuckle and kiss me once more.


Sorry if it's not what you wanted.

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