Never The Same (V. Bruntley)

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Here you are April_loves_MPHFPC sorry for the wait.
DT: Peculiar_Assassin

Here I go, just walk forward like so, knock a couple times, not too many, wait patiently, be greeted and oh- there are so many more people than I thought there would be.

"Hello dear, my name is Miss Peregrine, you must be Y/N?" A kind but stern looking woman spoke. All I could do was nod.

"Well then, come in why don't you." She spoke again. I followed her instructions and walked into the house. She smiled warmly at me.

She introduced me and introduced the others to me. They all seemed too busy or just uninterested (looking at you Enoch) when Miss P. asked someone to show me around. That did bum me out a little but I quickly got over it when Victor proudly offered.


That was my first day in this house that I now call a home. Since that day Victor and I have been best friends, even though I wish we were more. I mean it's not like I would ever tell him, my anxiety would skyrocket just thinking about it.

Anyways, Victor and I were almost always together. Like today, we were walking the trail we were allowed to walk alone because we're both old enough and practicality begged everyday.

"Y/N, look, a butterfly, it's so beautiful, almost as beautiful as you." He smiled at me looking towards the ground where it had landed.

I looked at him and he sighed, scratching his neck. He always did this when he was nervous.

"Look, N/N I need to tell you something. Something important." He seemed so scared, which of course made me scared.

"Is it bad? You know I hate bad news, Vic. It always makes me-" He cut off my rambling with his hand.

"Just listen Y/N, okay?" I just nodded staying silent.

"You know how I compliment you a lot? Well there's a reason for that, I just really really like you. A lot. And if Bronwyn wouldn't have forced me to, I probably would've never told you. It's just I really don't want you to feel pressured by me or disgusted or-" It was my time to cut him off.

"Victor, I understand. I like you too, and I was actually terrified to tell you. You now, fear of rejection and stuff." I chuckeled nervously.

And of course, as the clichés go, he kissed me. It wasn't a full make out session, but enough to make us both happy with our decisions.


That was a couple months in the house. Sounds perfect right? Well, my friend, you're so wrong. So very wrong. Victor walked with me towards the waterfall, one of my favorite spots here.

Arriving he did the same thing, that showed me that he was nervous.

"Oh, Victor, what is it this time?" I asked laughing.

"Y/N, I want to leave the loop. I-i want a normal life. One with just you and me and of course Bronwyn. I have it all figured out, we could get a job and a small apartment to start out with,of course upg-" I stopped him while in complete shock.

"What are you talking about? We can't just leave the loop. What would Miss P. say? Have you thought about this at all? Well obviously you have, but you can't possibly be serious can you?" He just looked down, making me feel extremely bad for just shutting Hus dream down.

"I mean we can ask Miss Peregrine and see what she says. If she says yes, then I'll go with you. I mean I love you so why not?" I chuckled at his happy expression. He looked so ecstatic.

Now the hard part, the bird.

I wasn't in the room with Victor when he asked her but I could tell by the look on his face that she had shut him down. I walked up and kissed his cheek. We went you his room where he cried his out with his head on my lap and my hands in his hair.



"Promise you'll never leave me?"

"Of course I promise. I don't think I could live without you." I smiled down at him. He looked handsome, even through his tears.


Now that was a year after my arrival, but all good stories must come to an end sometime. Unfortunately, ours ends far too soon for my liking.

This was the day, the day that changed everything. Victor had basically shut himself off from everyone. Including his sister and I.

At first I understood, I mean his dream was crushed but seriously, your baby sister still needs you dude. Apparently Miss Peregrine had enough of it as well, because she decided to go inside his room and make home come out, except he wasn't in there. The only evidence was the opened window.

It was only a couple days later when Miss P. had told the house that Victor had been attacked and killed. By a hollow of all things!

I remember shouting for him to come back to me repeatedly and begging for the bird to bring him back, as if she could.


That was lat week. Now today, the moment you've all been waiting for. The funeral of Victor. This was extremely hard for me. Especially seeing Bronwyn cry so hard for her brother. I knew this wound would take time to heal.

After everyone had already left, I stayed behind. I walked to the casket and gently rubbed his cold face. This didn't feel like Victor at all. But it was, sadly.

"So this is how it ends, huh? You just die? I thought you would never leave me, Victor. You made that promise. Why can't you just do one more thing for me? Just one more." I paused choking on my words.

"Just, stop. Stop being dead for me. Please that's all I ask." I walked away with a heavy heart and I knew. From this day forth, I would never be the same girl I once was.


Alright for.the past few weeks my wattpad hasnt been working. I'm sorry I take so long with these. It's also 4:30 am so sorry that it was rushed. I hope to make the next one better.

Also. I am a Cumberbitch. Sorry Not Sorry.

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