Chapter 01 - New Dawn

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4 Years Later…

            So the detective held true to his word and caught the guy, and the courts held true to their promise of convicting him. Really what did you expect with my detailed account of what happened. Do to the stress of the trial my father lost his job, but got on with another company shortly after. Mom quit her job to stay home with me, but I soon talked her into getting another. That was when the string of babysitter started. Now here I stand staring into the mirror ready for my first day of high school, well not ready, but you know what I mean…

            The ruby color of my eyes shined in the glow of the lights in the bathroom where I grabbed my dentures. The oral surgeons did everything they could, but the man had drilled my adult teeth out. It took a bit of time getting used to wearing them, but I guess I got luck at being young when I got them. I took on final look at myself in the mirror before I turned opening the door to the hall.

            The newest of the house still hadn’t worn off yet, but it has only been four weeks. My father job got him transferred here, and they had really good therapist. I rolled my eyes just thinking about it. I walked into the kitchen to find my mother rushing to get to her new job, and my father reading his morning paper. “But we still haven’t found a sitter for Ashley.” I was glad they dropped the baby part of babysitter, but I was tired of being watched all the time.

            “You know mom I’m old enough to watch over myself.” Just the thought of me being left alone sent my mother into a panic attack.

            “Honey I know you hate all this but really it would make me feel better.” Again I rolled my eyes as I walked over to the fridge to grab me an apple juice. They went about talking to themselves leaving me to my morning breakfast, but soon my mother left leaving me alone with my father.

            “So are you looking forward to your first day at this school?” I looked up from my cereal giving him a blank stare.

            “Oh yeah, I get to be a freak again.” His eyes shift hating to hear me call myself that. “I have solid white hair, and red eyes. I have no teeth and I have server PTSD. Oh yeah I’m really looking forward.” I dropped my eyes back to my cereal waiting for him to start one of his lectures.

            “I know all this has been hard on you Ashley. Life hasn’t hand you a fair card, and I do hope that someday you can recover from this.” That was my father, always seeing things from the green grass side. He gave up ever seeing me the same again, while mom on the other hand seems to go out of her way to bring me back. Right up to the point of having a birthday party the day after the man was convicted. I stood up taking my bowl over to the sink. I walked out the back door and got into my father car while he went about locking up the house. Once in the car, spilling his coffee like normal, I was off to school.

            As we pulled up in front of the school I could tell that flare was a big deal here. The front was a gardener’s nightmare, and the arched walls and doorways gave the place a forebode feeling. I got out waiting next to the hood as my father walked around and together we made our way over to the front doors, and into the main office. “You must be Ashley.” A woman in a short dress suit said standing by the counter.

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