Chapter Two: Don't be scared

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   I step into the house looking around at my new surroudings, my new house. My new place that I call 'home'. I set my bags down and go up the stairs. There's three bedrooms. One to the left, one in the middle, and one on the right. I pick the one on the right. My parents will have the big room to the left. I have no brothers or sisters so I guess the third room (middle) is just a guest room.

I go back downstairs to look more around. The kitchen is pretty small but it'll do. There's also a basement. I open the basement door. It looks kinda creepy. But basically all basements do, dont they? I turn on the light then I walk down the wooden steps, which are making creaking noises. The basement is bigger then I imagined. I go into the laundry room and notice a long strip of black hair. Gross. Weird. Must be from the other woman that lived here? Still that kinda gives me the creeps.

I go back upstairs and back outside to the car to help unload the car. I notice a girl across the street who looks about my age, 12. I want to be friendly so I wave. She must live at that house. She gives an awkward look and waves back. "Already trying to make friends, thats great hunnie." My mom says. Well I guess thats true. I do need some friends so hopefully she will become my friend. Maybe tomorrow i'll try and talk to her.

"What room did you pick?" My dad asks me. "The one on the right." I reply. I get my suitcases from downstairs and start unpacking everything.

Soon everything is finished in my room. On the dresser are pictures of me and Jamie, family pictures, and pictures from when I was little. The walls are plain white but i'm hoping to paint it blue. All my clothes are put away, everything is almost 'perfect'. There's just one thing I need now. A mirror.

"Hey mom did you remember to bring my mirror that was in my room?" I ask my mom. "No I didn't remember, that thing was getting old, the paint was chipping off and everything. We just threw it out." My mom says. "Check around the house you never know if someone left one."

I look everywhere in the house. nothing. So i go down the basement. What I didnt notice before was the wide mirror on the floor, in the back. There seems to be a small crack in the mirror but its barely noticeable. So I carefully carry it up the steps. I set it on my dresser. Hopefully my dad can hang it up later.

When I'm finished with helping my mom and dad unpack I go back into my room. The crack in the mirror has gotten a lot bigger. What happend? Did my mom and dad 'accidently' break it somehow? I find my mom and dad and I ask them if they broke my mirror. They said that know they didnt. I told them how there was a small crack and then it somehow grew into a very large crack. They joked saying that I was going crazy. Maybe I am.

But theres something about our new house that gives me goosebumps. Makes me shudder. Makes me afraid to go to sleep.

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