Don't get Ginny pissed.

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Hermione's POV
"Oh, hello girls. How iz it goin? I waz told that there was a girl with red hair who rezembled, Bill. I thought it waz you, Ginevra," said Fleur.
"Oh, yes we came here looking around," I say to Fleur after I embrace her.

"Oh, yez! I heard about it. Ron did not take it vell, did he? I saw it in the the newspaper. Vita Zkeeter zertainly zpoke a number about you," says Fleur laughing a little.
"Yes, there is nothing better than Rita Skeeter for a good laugh," agreed Ginny chuckling.
"Vell, how can I help you today?" Fleur asked.
"Well, remember those gorgeous pieces you gave me for Christmas?" Ginny asked.

"Yez, the gold and burgundi," says Fleur.
"Yes, those. They worked well last time since I am expecting a child but I want a few more in emerald and silver. Blaise really likes dark colors," says Ginny blushing lightly.
"Oh, yez! How about you, Hermione?"
"I'm fine with just nightgowns," I say to Fleur.

"Oh, Hermione, alwayz the zimpliztic," says Fleur grinning at me. I rol my eyes playfully while she leads us to the dressing rooms.
"Madam Weasley, do you want me to help them?" a young girl asked.
"No, Clarissa. I can help them. Actually, if they ever come, I will help them myself," says Fleur to the girl. She nods. We continue to walk back to the changing rooms. She hands us each a robe.
"Undrezz and put theze on, pleaze. I will be back with your thingz," says Fleur.

I walk into one of the changing rooms and quickly undress. I put on the robe, tightening it. We walk out of the changing rooms and take a seat in one of the plush love seats.
"Lav! Hurry up, Lav," yells a girl across the room.
"Ok, Parv!"
Hell no, I thought.
"Can you call, Clarissa? This bra is far to big. I told her I was only b-cups!" Lavender exclaimed.
Ginny started laughing and soon Fleur comes over. She holds a few racks of clothes.
"Here you go, Hermione. Ginny these are yours," says Fleur.
She handed me a long silk emerald nightgown. It had long sleeves and a v-neck that ended barely above my belly button. I threw it on carefully and I absolutely loved it. The fabric was cold and loose. It have my body curves I didn't know I had.

"Ready girlz," says Fleur. We walk out and Ginny wore a silver lace night gown. It almost looked like a shirt.
"I'm getting this," I say to Fleur.
"Hmm, yez. I thought about for sometime now but I vould really like it if both of you vould vork with me. I vant you to be my models!" Flyer exclaimed making her French accent more pronounced.
"Really? Well, you should consider it. I am with a child," says Ginny with disappointment thick in her voice.
"Well, I couldn't help but her what you proposed to Ms. Weasley and we are not with children and-" Lavender says coming out a bubble gum pink babydoll night gown.

"Nonzenze, Ginevra, you are gorgeouz and your pregnanzy vill make you glow. As for you, Hermione, pleaze? You only have to do one zhow. If you don't like it, you vill never do it again," pleaded Fleur.
I sigh, "I will do it but only if Ginny does, too"
"When we start?" Ginny asked smirking at Parvati.

"Thank you! How about you get ready with me for Molly's birthday and I will tell you the vhole business and how it vorks?" Fleur proposes.
"Yes, that sounds lovely," I say.
"Good idea," Ginny says nodding.
"Ok, I vill have these pieces sent these to Hogwarts. Beside once you work for me you will have every piece of the collection sent to you," says Fleur.
"Ok, see you in a few days, I guess," says Ginny with a huge smile.

"Yez, in a few dayz. Love you, Ginevra. Love you too, Hermione," says Fleur happy to have Ginny's approval. What she doesn't know is that she always had her approval. It's just she was closest to Bill and she couldn't deal with the fact Bill was going to "replace her."

Her words not mine.

"Love you, too. Oh, and stop it with calling me Ginevra it ages me. Call me Ginny, Gin or Nee," says Ginny.
"Ok, Ginny," says Fleur tearing up a bit.
"Love you too, Fleur," I say smiling softly.
We embrace before leaving the shop.
"Hey, wanna know what I'm craving?" Ginny asks.

"A huge bag of crisps with hot sauce and a thee scoop pistachio ice cream," says Ginny.
"I want some now. Just great now I'm craving it too," I say to Ginny looking around for an ice cream place. That was surprisingly hard.
Suddenly, we land in a little ice cream shop. We ordered the crisps and ice cream along with some type of thing they have here. I don't know how it's called but it is vanilla ice cream with a whole bunch of toppings. Plus the toppings, it is served in a churro bowl.
A cute boy with brown hair and brown eyes brings our orders,

"Thank you," we say.
"My pleasure, lovely ladies."
"What's your name?" I ask.
"We are Hermione and Ginny. "
"You should join us," says Ginny.
"Are you sure?"
"Yes," I say. My ice cream is a total masterpiece. I use my spoon to get some of the ice cream. I resist the urge to moan when I tasted it.
Suddenly, Draco and Blaise pass by with a swarm of girls around them.
When he looks at this one girl he looks down. He likes her and she was openly flirting with Draco.

"You like her?"
He nods.
Draco looks bored and Ginny and I hug Fabian.
"Oh, look how cute. The nerd can get some!" exclaimed the girl who Fabian liked. He blushes and turns away.
"Actually, that is my wife you are talking about. You know, the dark haired personification of beauty. One of the three women who can give Aphrodite a run for her money."
I smirk at them before letting go of Fabian to hug my husband.

"Who are the other two?" Ginny asked calmly.
Draco looks scared and Blaise looks pleadingly at me.
"You and my mom," says Draco pulling me to his lap.
Fabian smiles at that one.
"Always the charmer, Draco. We forgive you," says Ginny laughing at his antics.

"As if they can't be married to English prudes like you two."
"Oh, they are. Except we are not prudes and even if we were it would be better than being harlots," says Ginny.
"They are not worth it, Ginny. Besides, it can hurt the baby," says Draco.
"Ginny-" says Blaise. Ginny ignores him completely. He tries to go to her but some Asian chick is holding onto him.

"True, beside we have a few things to tell you and Blaise who seems busy at the moment to not even defend his wife," says Ginny.
"Ginny, I'm sorry-"
"Fabian, you can do so much better than these girls. You can do so much better than them. Get yourself a girl who stares at you like Hermione does to Draco. It was great meeting such a sweet boy like yourself. I'm sorry we met like this but I left my number on the order paper," Ginny says to Fabian.

"It was amazing you both. You are right, they aren't worth if. I'll call later. You can give Hermione my number."
I nod and I hug him. He hugs me back before hugging Ginny. Once they embrace Fabian and Draco shake hands.

"Nice meeting you, man," says Fabian
"Same. Thank you for taking care of my wife and my sister," says Draco.
"Nah, its cool, man. They are very nice girls. Take care of them because girls like them are hard to find," says Fabian.

"I will," says Draco.
"Ay, Blaise are you joining us. This might concern you," says Ginny.
Blaise looks hopeful.
"Hey, Fabian can you put my churro sundae to go?" I ask. He smiles and takes my plate.
When he goes behind the counter, and brings back a styrofoam plate.
"We need to talk," says Ginny once we leave the place.

Hey, guys! I know I made Ginny really petty but she is pregnant and moody. Beside I kinda wanted to do a Ginny point of view. You'll see. Anyways, you'll probably say, "Perls, how do these two mix?"
They don't I'm just tired people always considering her an ugly duckling. Besides, it'll help what is going on.

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