Five Questions Each.

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Hermione's POV
"How do you know?"
When are they do?"
"Is it true?"
"Are the Malfoys also expecting a child?"
"Will there be and arranged marriage?"

Draco rolled his eyes.
"You know that's not a bad idea," I murmur to Draco.
"We should talk to Blaise and Ginny about your idea it might save us a lot of trouble," he muttered.
"Talk to us about what?"
"Arranging a marriage between our children so that they do not have to marry some random students," I said lowly so only we could hear.
"That's actually a good idea. We'll talk about it after this," said Blaise.
"We will be answering 5 questions each. Starting with Hermione," said Ginny smiling reassuringly at me.
"Are you married and pregnant to Mr. Malfoy. If so how have Mr. Potter and Mr. Weasley reacted to this?"
"A three part?" I asked raising an eyebrow. The reporter just shrugged.
"Ok, Draco and I are not married. Although, he did put a ring on it," I said holding up hand that held the rock on my finger.
Reporters immediately snapped picture of my ring.
"As to your second part, I'm not pregnant. Sadly. I wish I was because seeing how happy Blaise and Ginny are about their baby makes me want one of my own with my one and only," I said smirking at Draco.
"And who might this be?"
"The owner of this shirt. That's your second question," I said making Draco and Blaise laugh.

"Ms. Granger, can you see yourself pregnant with Draco Malfoy's child despite your history?"
I laugh at this question.
"I thought I just answered this question. Draco Malfoy will always be my one and only. I love him more than anything else in the world. I don't see myself giving birth to our children. I dream of it. I don't care about what happened between us in the past because we moved on from that. Draco Malfoy with all his flaws makes me the happiest I've ever been," I replied honestly taking Draco's hands between my own.
"Is the Golden Trio still a thing?"
"I never thought about Ronald, Harry and myself as a trio of heroes because the real heroes are the people who made the ultimate sacrifice by giving their lives. Ronald and Harry are as good friends as ever but we haven't been on talking terms."
"Do you ever wish you were engaged to Mr. Weasley or Mr. Potter?"
I burst out laughing.
"Oh god no! Ronald and Harry couldn't have made me happy. They are both as stubborn as mules. No offense but both of them will always be the boys I used to get in trouble with back in Hogwarts!"

"Ok, Ginny next," I said looking at Ginny.
"What is the gender of the baby?"
"We still do not know as I haven't been pregnant for long," said Ginny.
"Are you on talking terms with your brother?"
"I am not in on good terms with most of my family. My older brother, Bill Weasley, was the one to walk me down the aisle. His wife designed and made the bridesmaids dresses and wedding dresses," she said.
"Who were the maid of honor and the best man?"
"The maid of honor was Hermione and Draco was the best man," responded Ginny.
"Are you hurt that your family isn't talking to you despite being at your wedding?"
"No, my family is talking to me and supported me through whole wedding or least the people I consider my family. We might not be blood related but we don't have to be in order to be family. Just look at my supposed family. My own father didn't walk me down the aisle on my wedding. The most important day of my life! My mother probably didn't even know I was pregnant. My family has supported me through everything and I will always be grateful and love every single of of them," said Ginny making me smile.
"What will you name your child?"
"I was thinking Francesco Draco Zabini. I want my son or daughter to have an Italian name and either Draco's first or last name as his middle name. I told Blaise I choose his name if it's a boy and he chooses the middle name. If it's a girl he chooses the first name and I get the middle name."
"Thank you," said Draco touched by the gesture.
"You're welcome," said Ginny with a kind smile.
"Mr. Malfoy, do you want children?"
"Only with Hermione Granger future Malfoy."
"What do think about Ms. Granger modeling for Fleur Weasley in her new fashion line?"
"That's my woman. No but seriously I am incredibly proud of her. She deserves to be shown off like the jewel she is. I think that I am the luckiest wizard alive. I am perhaps the only wizard to marry a goddess," said Draco proudly.
Aw, my Draco is the sweetest man out there.
"What baby names do you want for your children?"
"Scorpius Hyperion Malfoy for a boy and Hermione get to name the girl."
"What house do you want your children in?"
"Slytherin." I roll my eyes at that.
"Is it true you are working on hotels?"

"Mr. Zabini! What do you want to name your child?"
"Do you agree with Mrs. Zabini' decision?"
"Of course I do! Do you think I was made to sleep in the couch?" exclaimed Blaise making everyone laugh.
"But speaking seriously, I think that if we have a daughter, I want her name to be Cara Hermione Zabini. Because it was Hermione who changed my best friend," said Blaise smiling warmly.
"Are you jealous of Harry Potter?"
"No, I am not. I know a lot of people think Draco and I are jealous of Potter and Weasley but why would we be? We got the girls," said Blaise cooly.
"And the looks," joked Draco.
"That too," said Blaise.
"What house do you think your children will be in?"
"Slytherin or Gryffindor. We finished," said Blaise cheerfully.

"Can we get pictures?"
"Ginny! Over here!"
Draco pulled me to his lap careful not to hike up my sh-his shirt. He put his arms around me and looked straight at the camera with his famous Malfoy smirk.
After what seems like an eternity reporters begin to leave.
"Well, that was productive. Goodnight!" said Blaise picking up Ginny before going to their room.
"Do you want to? Do I?" started Draco awkwardly.
"Yeah, I'll put up the silencing charms," I said taking out my wand.

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