The Bloody Mission Pt.2

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Y/n decided to rescue Sakura himself and ran into the cave,determined to rescue her.Y/n ran down a long damp path for about 3 minutes before coming into an open area. Sakura was nailed to a cross,metal rods keeping her in by her wrists and ankles. The ANBU nowhere to be seen,only 20 men in white cloaks.Y/n pulled out his kunai and stood confidently as he rushed in at the unknown suspects. The men quickly responded by jumping back toward Sakura in unison,weaving through hand seals.Once they landed they all shouted simultaneously,"Fire Style:Religous Flame!"sending a giant wave of blue fire toward Y/n.Y/n quickly shoved his hands into his pouch and pulled out two kunai with paper bombs,throwing them at the flame.The paper bombs triggered upon contact with the flames the cave starting to crumble from the sudden burst. Y/n weaved hand seals,parts of the cave falling around him,a strange silver chakra surrounding his hand.He aimed at the group of unknowns and slashed them with a silver blade of chakra,making all fall to the ground. Y/n rushed to Sakura and yanked the rods out of her,carrying her bridal style and running toward the entrance in hope of seeing daylight once again.Y/n was beginning to get tired from the sudden burst of power he gained,but he pushed on for Sakura's sake. Y/n saw the top of the entrance collapsing and about to fall completely,he jumped getting himself and Sakura out of the cave on time,the cave entrance crashing down behind them.Kakashi,Naruto and Sasuke arrived on the scene,seeing Sakura in Y/n's arms.Looking at them Y/n could tell Naruto was jealous,Kakashi questioned what happened,and Sasuke didn't really care."Anyway,i've got what we've come for,so lets head back to the village."Kakashi said. Y/n then collapsed,falling asleep and dropping Sakura onto the ground.Kakashi sighed and lifted the two onto his back.They then made their journey back to Konoha.Upon arrival Y/n had awoken.Sasuke walked off trying to act cool,and Naruto ran off like a knucklehead."Y/n,could you take Sakura to Konoha's hospital for me?"Kakashi asked."Sure Kakashi-Sensei."Y/n replied,taking Sakura into his arms.Y/n ran toward Konoha's hosptal after Kakashi vanished.As he ran he heard a groan,Sakura had woken up in his arms."Y-Y/n?!"Sakura gasped,blushing like a tomato."O-Oh Sakura!"Y/n replied back."I'm just taking you to the hospital for Kakashi-Sensei...eheheh..."Y/n told her awkwardly.Y/n put Sakura down,leaning against a building,stretching his arms."Y/n come down to my level."Sakura said.Y/n got onto his knees.Sakura notioned him closer,Y/n getting closer.Sakura quickly pressed her lips against Y/n's,kissing him passionately.After a few seconds of shock,Y/n kissed back,Sakura blushing.Y/n picked Sakura back up and successfully took her to the hospital,giving her another kiss before leaving.After Y/n left she layed on the bed,"Thank you Y/n..."She said quietly.(Sorry i don't write very rapidly or often,i am very busy,I hope you guys can understand.*Insert Roundabout*)

*Insert Roundabout*)

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