The Grand Finale!

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  (( Alright, so first off I'd like to apologize to EVERYONE, for the extremely long wait. I've been busy with a lot of work ever since I've stepped foot into High School, it's not easy being a freshman with college level classes. Anyway, here comes the final part of Male Reader x Sakura Haruno. I hope you enjoy it. ))

Y/N would slowly open his eyes. As he awoke from his slumber, his vision was hazed and blurry, his head in pain. Once his vision had cleared up, he'd realize that he was in the Konoha hospital, laying in a bed.

"Y/N...." A familiar and soft voice echoed from the bedside.

Y/N would slowly turn his head the expression of freight on his face, but this expression turned into a small smile when he knew that it was Sakura sitting at his bedside.

"Sakura, what happened to me?" Y/N would attempt to ask, but his voice would be really quiet and hard to hear.

"I wasn't aware of what I was doing when I was fighting Ino. I thought you would have saved yourself from the collapsing house, so I assumed you were fine. Until...." *Sakura turned her head to the side, using her arm to wipe away the tears that were trickling down her face.

Y/N attempted to reach and arm out to Sakura, but experienced an excruciating pain when doing so, immediately placing his hand back down next to him.

Sakura turned back to Y/N, her tears dried up for the moment. "You turned into some vicious monster, and you just...went on a rampage through part of the village. Everyone tried to calm you down, but you only hurt them. You critically injured Kiba and Choji, you hurt and scared Hinata, then you almost killed me. Many civilians were killed because of this and eventually it would be Naruto and Captain Yamato that would be able to stop you and bring you here."

Y/N would have images of when he first arrived in Konoha, images of the chambers he'd been in before flashing before his eyes. He frowned, knowing that he'd hurt some of the most valuable people to him, especially almost killing the love of his life. "I' sorry.." Y/N murmured.

Sakura would hold Y/N's hand, tears now flowing from her eyes as she started to shake. She hesitantly began to ask Y/N, "D-Do you...still love me?"

"Of course...I won't stop loving you, even till death do us part." Y/N was able to say loud enough to reassure her.

Sakura would put her head down, sniffling. "Thank you...Y/N."

--------------- Into the Future ----------

Y/N would walk through the door one evening, yawning after leaving early in the morning. His three children, two boys and one girl, would greet him at the door every day by giving him what they called a "Hug Attack", they'd all hug Y/N together when he stepped through the door.

 The girl, Hitomi [L/N] was the eldest of the three being 12 years old and a newly promoted Genin. She had Y/N's hair color and Sakura's eye color. The two boys were 7 year old twins, both having pink hair and Y/N's eye color.  Their names are Eishiro and Eishin [L/N]. They are both still Academy students.

Sakura would meet the four at the door, the kids stepping out of the way. Sakura embraced Y/N, giving him a big hug as they locked lips, passionately kissing each other.

"Ew....!," the three kids would exclaim, cringing. Sakura and Y/N would look at the three before they all started to laugh.

------------------------------------------------ Fin ----------------

(( Thank you for all the love, favorites, and comments. I will be making my own kind of story without canon characters. This may take a while before it actually comes up as I am trying to develop a group of people, who can also help in the making of this. If you'd like to help be a part of creating this, message me and we shall talk. Anyway, that's all for now, enjoy your day! ))

Male Reader x Sakura HarunoWhere stories live. Discover now