Episode One

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"Tracey: I'm so tired of this.
Jake: If you need to talk I'm here.
Tracey: Exactly, your always here."

"Tracey: Sorry I'm late
Lily: It's ok"

"Penny: You can't tell Emily about the kiss ok
Liam: Wasn't going too."

"Jack: I'm so lucky to have you.
Lily: I'm so lucky to have you I love you."

"Kelly: I can hear a beeping sound"


Scene One


Kelly: What happened?
Ben: Kelly, hey you alright.
Kelly: Yeah, you?
Ben: Yes.
Kelly: I just heard this beeping sound and it just exploded.
Ben: Hey it's ok.
Amy: Hey, you guys ok?
Kelly: Yeah.
Amy: Lisa is awake but I can't find Emily.
Kelly: I don't think it's safe here. If you find anyone else awake make sure they go home. We can stay here.

Scene Two


Bec: So mum is gone. How could this happen? I thought she was going to get better.
Ellie: It's best if we stick together. Hey Sophie.
Sophie: Hey girls. I was going to go to the party.
Ellie: What party?
Sophie: Lily and Jack got engaged.
Bec: Oh.
Sophie: You ok? How is your mum?
Bec: She died.
Sophie: Oh no, do you need anything.
Bec: I need to try and get some sleep. That's what I need.

Scene Three


Jack: Lily, where are you?
Lily: Here.
Jack: Lily, hey are you ok? Are you hurt?
Lily: I'm fine. You ok?
Jack: Yeah, I'm fine. Let's go home we can check on the others later.
Lily: Jack no! We need to help the others.
Sophie: Hey what happened?
Lily: There was a bomb.
Sophie: A bomb. You guys ok?
Jack: Yeah we are fine.
Jake: Hey have you guys seen Tracey?
Lily: No.

Scene Four

Sophie's house

Ellie: so, want to talk?
Bec: what do you think? Would you?
Ellie: no but you can't just bottle things up.
Bec: I wish I could have said goodbye.
Ellie: I know, but there wasn't anything anyone could do.

Bec: That's not making me feel any better.

Sophie: Hey.

Ellie: Hey, your back early.

Sophie: Yeah well that's because there was a bomb at the party.

Ellie: What are you serious?

Bec: Is anyone hurt?

Sophie: Some people needed ice for their heads. Apart from that I think they are ok.

Scene Five


Kelly: Is everyone ok now?

Tracey: I think I need ice.

Jake: Do you want me to come with you?

Tracey: No.

Emma: Here I'll come.

Kelly: I'm so sorry Lily, Jack. Is there anything I can do?

Jack: I think we are tired.

Lily: Yeah I think I just want to go home and sleep.

Kelly: Ok.

Penny: I think I might go home.

Ben: Kelly, you have a cut here.

Kelly: I do. Ah its bleeding.

Ben: Hey its ok. Do you need me to take you to the doctor?

Kelly: No its ok.

Scene Six

Jacks House

Jack: Good morning.

Lily: Hey.

Jack: You ok?

Lily: Yeah I couldn't sleep last night.

Jack: Mean neither. I could have lost you.

Lily: I could have lost you. Jack if I lost you I don't know what I would do.

Jack: So your helping them clean it up.

Lily: Yeah. It is going to take a while. I'm a little bit scared though. I mean we had no idea that there was a bomb there until it was too late. What happens if there are others.

Jack: Hey, you will be ok.

Scene Seven


Ben: Kelly, are you alright?

Kelly: Yeah I've got a massive head ache.

Ben: Then go home. I can clean up here.

Kelly: No I'm fine. Hey Lily. Sorry about last night.

Lily: Its not your fault and anyway it was fun, before the bomb went off. Who would have done this?

Kelly: I honestly don't know anyone who would.

Bec: Hey I heard about the bomb. Oh my, can I help you guys?

Lily: Go ahead.

Kelly: Are you ok?

Bec: Yeah.

Scene Eight

Penny's house

Penny: Good morning
Liam: Hey. Can I ask you something?
Penny: Yeah.
Liam: How do you actually feel about Emily and I being together!
Penny: Happy but confused
Liam: So your not jealous or anything?
Penny: No.
Liam: Me kissing you was a mistake. Sorry but it was.
Penny: Ok.
Liam: that's it.
Penny: what did you want me to cry? I'm just concerned about Emily.
Liam: I have to tell her one day. I'm sorry but I owe it too her.
Penny: No one is to know ok especially Emily!! It's not just you it's gonna effect!

Scene Nine

Jacks house

Jack: Hey
Lily: hey
Jack: is it clean now?
Lily: No they sent me home
Jack: why?
Lily: they just did. Its ok. I get to be with you at least.
Jack: Yeah. I am glad that your ok.

Scene Ten


Ben: You should go home if it's that bad.
Kelly: It's fine ok how many times do I ..
Ben: Kelly wake up!! Some one help.

What will happen to Kelly?

Will she survive?

"Ben: Some one help!"

"Amy: Kasey is the only person I know to do this"

Ben is in love

What will he do once he finds out it was Kasey?

Read the next episode to find out

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