Episode Eight

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"Jack: We should get married sooner."

"Lily: Kelly, would you like to be my maid of honour?"

"Lily: Sophie didn't sound that happy when I told her about us getting married."

"Sophie: I don't know, I just feel like you haven't spent time with us since you got together."

"Emma: Michael! Why did you punch him?"

"Sasha: Just answer his calls or talk to him
Emma: Do you know what? I'm not even going to listen to you."

"Bec: I can't believe she is gone."

Scene One

Sophie's House

Sophie: Bec, why are there boxes out?
Bec: I'm leaving.
Sophie: What? Since when?
Bec: Sophie, my mum just died. Ellie is coming with me.
Sophie: Ok, if that's what you think you need than go ahead.
Bec: Thanks.
Sophie: Lily is getting married in two days though.
Bec: Yeah, she is isn't she?
Sophie: Yeah and Kelly is her maid of honour.
Bec: But you guys have been best friends since forever.
Sophie: Yeah but, I guess I haven't been acting the best lately.
Bec: Yeah true. I'm leaving in a few days. Maybe after the wedding.
Sophie: You know maybe I should leave.
Bec: What?
Sophie: Come on you need all the friends you can get right now. Maybe if I have a break from this town it will do me good too.
Bec: Ok, let's do it.

Scene Two

Jacks House

Jack: Good morning.
Lily: Hey. That's a very nice way to wake up.
Jack: Can't believe tomorrow we will be married.
Lily: Me neither.
Jack: This is the happiest I've ever been you know. With you.
Lily: Same.
Jack: Lily, you seriously don't know how much I love you.
Lily: Hey, save the wedding vows for tomorrow. Just kidding. I love you too. What's this, what?
Jack: What is it?
Lily: Sophie is leaving, with Bec and Ellie.

Scene Three


Emma: Hey Luke!
Luke: Hey, how are you?
Emma: Great. My friend Lily's wedding is tomorrow.
Luke: Really? I guess you want a date to go with you?
Emma: What? Well that would be good kind of. For like the dancing part.
Luke: Well then if your asking me the answer is
Emma: No? That's ok I can go alone.
Luke: No, the answer is yes.

Scene Four


Lily: How could you just tell me this the day before my wedding?
Sophie: I'm sorry!!
Lily: Seriously! You always try to take away my happiness.
Sophie: Bec's mother died!! She wanted to leave and I'm just taking a break from here.
Lily: You sure about that?
Sophie: More than anything.
Lily: You never liked Jack did you?
Sophie: What?
Lily: Spit it out Sophie.
Sophie: Ok fine. I don't really, but if you want to marry him, well your marrying him so it doesn't matter what I think.
Lily: Why do you dislike him?
Sophie: I don't know.
Lily: Jack is one of the sweetest guys you could ever meet. So smart and so kind and just so amazing. Everyone can see that but you Sophie.
Sophie: Can I ask you something? Why aren't I your maid of honour?
Lily: Because of this. I don't know what happened to you but I'm not friends with people like this.

Scene Five


Sasha: Emma!!
Emma: What?
Sasha: Sorry about yesterday.
Emma: It's ok.
Sasha: No it's not, it's not my place to say those things. Now I think you have every rig to ignore him.
Emma: Your a cop?
Sasha: You can tell by the uniform yeah.
Emma: It's ok. I guess me snapping at you was rude as well.
Sasha: No worries, it's fine. Friends?
Emma: Yeah friends.

Scene Six


Kelly: Hey Bec. I heard your leaving.
Bec: Yeah. I just need to move on I think. Sophie and Ellie are coming too.
Kelly: Yeah I know.
Bec: Gonna miss this place.
Kelly: We are gonna miss you.
Bec: So in a few days this will all be a memory.
Kelly: That's sad.
Bec: It is but it is so important for me to do this.
Kelly: This is probably nothing on what your going through but Ben and I broke up.
Bec: Serious?
Kelly: Yeah. I'm fine though, really.

Scene Seven


Michael: Hey Luke!
Luke: Hey.
Michael: I guess hitting you wasn't called for.
Luke: It wasn't.
Michael: I'm sorry for that.
Luke: It's ok.
Michael: But Emma is still mine.
Luke: She isn't your property you know, and you cheated on her. If you wanted her to be yours you wouldn't have. She doesn't want you.
Emma: Hey Luke. Michael?
Michael: Emma, I know you probably hate me. I understand but I love you. I hope one day we can get back to the way we were.
Emma: Michael,
Michael: I'm serious, I can't live without you.
Emma: Michael, it's not that easy. I love you too. Just not now.

Scene Eight


Jack: Wow, where did your smile go?
Lily: Sophie stole it. I can't believe she is moving.
Jack: Yeah, this close to the wedding.
Lily: She is so selfish. She can't just be happy for me. I mean like next week sure but the day after my wedding.
Jack: Maybe it's for the best.
Lily: I keep telling myself that but we grew up together. It's a huge deal.
Jack: Yeah but if she is doing this to you, ruining your happiness she isn't a real friend is she?

Scene Nine


Ben: Hey Kelly!
Kelly: I was just leaving, my shift is done.
Ben: Yeah um listen, I'm sorry.
Kelly: I have to go and uh well see Lily. We were gonna have a girls night before the wedding. I would like to be happy going to it.
Ben: I mean it though, could we at least be friends?
Kelly: That's your decision, not mine.

Scene Ten

Jacks House

Kelly: So what do you want to do Lily?
Emma: Do you wanna watch a movie?
Lily: There are so many choices!! Haha. I just want to spend time with you guys. One last night together before I get married.
Emma: I can't believe Sophie is leaving.
Kelly: Yeah are you ok?
Lily: Do you know what, she isn't a real friend. You guys are. I've never been happier in my life.

Next time

The wedding



"Kelly: Wow, Jack is so lucky to have you as a wife."




Make it



"Jack: I'm not going to calm down, anything could of happened to her."

"Jake: The car won't move!!"

Next episode

That's just life season two

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