Episode Seven

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"Emily: Breaking up with someone is a disgusting feeling, I remember. I didn't want anyone around me
Liam: Oh."

"Ben: I think moving out is the best thing."

"Kelly: I didn't want it to be permanent, I just wanted some time."

"Sasha: Hey, I'm Sasha.
Michael: I'm Michael."

"Michael: (punches Luke)
Emma: Michael! What are you doing?"

Scene One


Emma: Luke! Are you ok?
Luke: I'm fine.
Emma: Michael what is wrong with you?
Michael: What's wrong with me is that I miss you Emma.
Emma: Well punching him isn't going to make things any better between us. Why did you punch him?
Michael: Because he, urgh forget it.
Luke: It was my fault.
Emma: What did you force him to punch you?
Luke: No. Ouch.
Emma: I'll get you some ice ok. Come on let's go.

Scene Two


Sasha: Hey Michael.
Michael: Hey.
Sasha: Wow, you ok?
Michael: I just punched someone.
Sasha: Oh. Who was that girl you were talking to before?
Michael: My ex.
Sasha: Really? What happened? Why did you break up?
Michael: I cheated on her.
Sasha: Oh. Well then she has every right to be mad at you. Why did you punch the guy? Who was he?
Michael: This new guy that she is friends with. He wants to be with her.
Sasha: So you punched him because of that? Did he say he wanted to be with her.
Michael: He is acting like it.
Sasha: This doesn't even make sense. You cheated on her, doesn't she deserve a bit of happiness? I have to go but I will talk to you later.

Scene Three

Kelly's House

Lily: Kelly, your coming with me!
Kelly: Why?
Lily: Because your making less movement then that loaf of bread. Come on let's get out of the house.
Kelly: Why?
Lily: Kelly I know your upset about Ben but he obviously doesn't deserve you if he is willing to give up on you that easy.
Kelly: Maybe.
Lily: Come on, Kelly your not acting like yourself. That's gonna stop.
Kelly: Whose gonna make me?
Lily: Me. Come on.

Scene Four


Emily: Hey! Liam.
Liam: Hey.
Emily: Your not answering my calls or texts. Why?
Liam: No reason.
Emily: Are you a bit upset about when I was talking about how it feels to break up with someone and things like that?
Liam: No.
Emily: Why have you been acting strange since then?
Liam: Ok maybe a bit.
Emily: Why?
Liam: Because I can't believe that I put you through that.
Emily: Well you did, and now it's over. We are back together.
Liam: Yeah that's right.
Emily: So are we good?
Liam: Yeah.

Scene Five

Chloe's House

Luke: Thanks for looking after me.
Emma: It's ok. Why did he punch you?
Luke: He just flipped out. He was acting crazy saying that he wants you back and he doesn't want me getting in the way.
Emma: What a joke. He is the one in the way.
Luke: I kind of just said that I knew what he did.
Emma: And that's why he punched you.
Luke: Yep.
Emma: He obviously can't handle the truth literally.
Luke: Do you want to get back with him?
Emma: No. I mean like I've told you I still love him but he is a completely different person to who I fell in love with.
Luke: What did he used to be like?
Emma: He used to be a sweet, smart guy and now he goes around town punching people and sleeping with other women.
Luke: Oh. You know if I were to be with you ever, I wouldn't do that.
Emma: Really?
Luke: Yeah.
Emma: Thank you.

Scene Six


Lily: Whoops. Probably not the best place to go.
Kelly: No it's ok.
Lily: Alright.
Ben: Hey.
Lily: Hey.
Ben: Kelly, how are you?
Kelly: Are you kidding me? How do you think I am?
Lily: Kelly!
Kelly: No!

Scene Seven


Michael: Hey Sasha! Wow! I've been seeing you a lot.
Sasha: Yeah. How are things?
Michael: With Emma?
Sasha: Yeah.
Michael: She hasn't been answering my calls.
Sasha: Oh, that must suck. But you kind of deserve it.
Michael: Hey. That's Emma.
Sasha: Oh.
Michael: Emma!! Emma!!
Emma: Don't talk to me Michael.
Michael: Listen, I'm sorry about punching Luke. I'm sorry about everything between us.
Emma: Yeah well you should be.
Michael: I'm not giving up on us Emma, I cant just let you go.
Emma: Michael, you already did. Move on.

Scene Eight


Penny: Hey Ben.
Ben: Hey. Are you free?
Penny: Yeah sure.

Scene Nine


Ben: I mean it's so awkward between us. We work together how is that gonna help anything?
Penny: I don't know. It will get better.
Ben: I hope so.
Penny: So where have you been staying?
Ben: Caravan.
Penny: Oh. You would really rather that then staying at a nice house with Kelly?
Ben: It would be so awkward though.
Penny: Better than being in a tin box.
Ben: Do you have a room at your place?
Penny: Yeah, why do you want to stay with me?
Ben: Maybe, for a bit at least.
Penny: Of course.

Scene Ten


Sasha: Hey are you Emma?
Emma: Yeah. Who are you?
Sasha: I'm Sasha, I'm new here. You might recognise my face, you may have seen me with Michael.
Emma: Oh.
Sasha: I know what happened and even about him punching Luke but, you need to at least answer his calls or talk to him. He really is sorry.
Emma: Listen here Sasha, you don't know him like I do. I'm not doing that.

Next time

Who will Emma choose?

Will she choose Michael?

Or Luke

"Emma: I still love him, and sometimes when I see him, I can't get him out of my head."

"Emma: Luke is seriously one of the nicest guys and sweetest guys and...
Penny: Do you like him?"

Emma has been through so much....

Will she finally fall in love again

Or go through another heart break?

Read the next few episodes to find out

Also the wedding is coming episode ten!!!

Don't miss an episode!!

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