Episode Thirteen

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"Penny: Didn't Jack tell you, he was gonna cancel the wedding because you were late."

"Lily: So I heard that you were gonna cancel the wedding."

"Jack: I'm so excited to get married tomorrow"

"Penny: You ok?
Jack: Yeah I'm a bit nervous."

"Emma: Hey, you wanna come to the wedding with me Luke?"

"Tracey: I miss you Jake
Jake: I miss you too."

Scene One


Lily: Hey.
Jack: Hey beautiful
Penny: I'm so happy to have the honour in marrying these two. Um well, do we want to start with Jack?
Jack: Yeah. Well Lily, your amazing. I don't even know where to start.

Scene Two

Local Cafe

Sasha: Hey, Tracey.
Tracey: Yeah.
Sasha: I thought you were going to the wedding.
Tracey: I was going to.
Sasha: Why not then.
Tracey: Well, my ex is there.
Sasha: Is that all?
Tracey: Well, yeah.
Sasha: He cheated on you right?
Tracey: Yeah but I kind of miss him.
Sasha: I had a boyfriend who cheated on me.
Tracey: So you understand.
Sasha: Yeah, eventually though you will get over him.
Tracey: I hope I do.

Scene Three


Lily: Anyway I love you more than anything, I'm a tearing mess right now am I? Uh, this is the happiest day of my life. I'm so excited for our future.
Penny: Ok so you guys can now kiss.
Jack: Finally (kisses Lily)
Emma: Yay Lily!!
Sophie: Lily!
Lily: Sophie? You left.
Sophie: I didn't say goodbye. How could I miss this?

Scene Four


Emma: That was beautiful wasn't it Luke?
Luke: Yes it was.
Emma: What did you need to ask me?
Luke: Oh nothing.
Emma: Luke, just ask. What?
Luke: I've been wanting to go out with you, ever since I met you actually.
Emma: Your asking me out?
Luke: Yeah I mean, could we just give us a go?
Emma: I just got out of a relationship.
Luke: Yeah but you deserve to be happy.
Emma: I can't believe your asking this.

Scene Five


Tracey: Hey Jake.
Jake: Hi, Lily made it to the wedding.
Tracey: Great.
Jake: Why didn't you go?
Tracey: Because
Jake: Because of me?
Tracey: Yeah.
Jake: That is the most stupid thing.
Tracey: Not really.
Jake: You know, you missed out on your friends wedding because of me. We broke up months ago, so it's a really stupid reason. Move on!

Scene Six


Lily: You left while I was in hospital.
Sophie: I know.
Lily: So your leaving when?
Sophie: Once this is over.
Lily: I get that your helping Bec but your leaving behind a lot of other people.
Sophie: Not everything is about me or you ok. I will visit.
Lily: So where are you going?
Sophie: To the city.
Lily: Well, I just hope you have fun.
Sophie: And I hope you and Jack go well.
Lily: We will.

Scene Seven


Luke: Emma, I thought this is what you wanted.
Emma: I only just recently broke up with someone.
Luke: No it was a long time ago.
Emma: So, what happens if this isn't what I want.
Luke: So you want to be alone your whole life now.
Emma: No.
Luke: Then what do you want?
Emma: I just want to live my life on my own for a while.
Luke: So what about us.
Emma: Luke, your my friend. I can't be with anyone right now though.
Luke: I need to go and clear my head ok.
Emma: Luke, I need time.

Scene Eight


Kelly: So Lily, how are you?
Lily: Really happy.
Kelly: You don't look it.
Lily: Sorry.
Kelly: You've been crying.
Lily: It's just that today was emotional.
Kelly: And because Sophie is leaving.
Lily: Kind of.
Kelly: Hope you had a good day though.
Lily: Yeah I did.
Jack: Hey Lily, the car is here.
Lily: Ok, guys thank you for today! Uh see you in a few days.
Jack: Yeah we are really grateful. Bye.
Kelly: Bye, see you.

Scene Nine

Emma's House

Luke: Hey, I thought I would find you here.
Emma: Um, I have nothing to say.
Luke: I'm sorry. It was too much.
Emma: Come in.
Luke: I mean I know your still heart broken, but I'm just hoping one day.
Emma: I will want to?
Luke: Yeah. If you don't ...
Emma: Listen, I still need some time but, it does not mean that in the future I won't say yes.
Luke: Really?
Emma: Yeah.
Luke: (kisses Emma)
Emma: Luke! Please don't.
Luke: Sorry.
Emma: I wanted to be the one to do it. (Kisses Luke)

Scene Ten


Penny: I can't believe your really leaving.
Sophie: Yeah it's crazy.
Penny: I thought you would stay for a bit.
Sophie: Yeah well I'm not.
Penny: Lily was a bit upset.
Sophie: She doesn't really have anything to be upset about though. She knew I was leaving.
Penny: On the day of her wedding.
Sophie: She is with the love of her life and has you guys. She will be fine.
Penny: Bye.
Sophie: Goodbye, I will visit.
Penny: You better.
Sophie: Ok, bye.

Next time






Liam and Emily go on a camping trip







"Emily: You have never supported me through any of this.
Liam: Maybe it's because you lied to me for so many years about it."










To each other?

"Lisa: There is a bush fire, and Emily and Liam went camping."

"Amy: Have you found her Sasha.
Sasha: I'm sorry no."

"Sasha: You can't go in there or anywhere near there, it's too dangerous."

"Emily: Liam! Where are you?"

"Liam: Emily, wake up come on. Some one help!!"

Soon on That's Just Life

The biggest episode yet is coming soon

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