Episode Four

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Previously on that's just life

"Tracey: I'm not leaving Bree."

"Jake: If you need anything I'm here
Tracey: Exactly your always here."

"Tracey: I'm just missing him that's all.
Emma: Just give it sometime, because one of the key things in a relationship is trust. Do you have that?"

"Jack: Will you marry me?"

"Ben: Amy thinks Kasey planted the bomb".

"Kelly: I think I should break up with Ben."

"Kelly: I want to have a break"

Scene One

Kelly's House

Kelly: Please don't get mad at me Ben.
Ben: How could I not be Kelly, I've been there for you, I've helped you and this is how you repay me.
Kelly: But Ben, we just aren't a good couple ok. I just don't think that it's the right time to start a relationship.
Ben: I'm finding this so funny because, a few weeks ago I said this and you said I was wrong. Maybe I wasn't.
Kelly: Ben, Ben!

Scene Two


Tracey: You know I'm so excited for the future.
Penny: You should be.
Tracey: Penny, I don't think you should be angry with yourself for Liam kissing you. I know you feel terrible.
Penny: I know, because he kissed me right? I don't know why I feel this way. I mean it just felt so wrong.
Tracey: I'm actually happy thought that they are ok now.
Penny: I'm surprised about how she handled it. I thought she would be more angry.
Tracey: They have been through so much this past year though. I guess she didn't want to give up on him. See, Liam actually fought for her though, I mean I know he kissed you but never when he was with her. Jake on the other hand.
Penny: I know your still hurt from what he did but you need to move on Tracey. You shouldn't keep worrying about it.

Scene Three


Emma: Hey, have I met you before.
Luke: No.
Emma: Oh, because I recognise you from some where. What's your name?
Luke: I'm Luke.
Emma: Oh, sorry I'm Emma, that was a bit rude of me.
Luke: It's fine.
Emma: So your new right?
Luke: Yeah, I just moved here yesterday.
Emma: Well welcome to the town.
Luke: Thank you. Could you like show me around town?
Emma: Sure, why not.

Scene Four


Lily: Hey Kelly you don't look too good.
Kelly: Thank you.
Lily: What happened.
Kelly: I basically just broke up with Ben.
Lily: Why, you guys were perfect for each other.
Kelly: It's just a break. I mean with everything that's been happening lately, I just don't want to be in a relationship.
Lily: How did Ben react?
Kelly: He was really upset. I can't blame him.
Lily: No you can't.
Kelly: How are you?
Lily: Good, Jack is getting a bit annoyed with the wedding preparations but yeah. Actually I want to ask you something, can you be my maid of honour?
Kelly: Why me? Wouldn't Sophie be upset?
Lily: You have to deserve that and she has been so rude lately. She doesn't deserve that.

Scene Five


Luke: So, how small is the town?
Emma: Small enough that you know almost everyone.
Luke: Oh.
Emma: You will get used to it.
Luke: Yeah, I will in some time.
Michael: Hey Emma!
Luke: Who is that?
Emma: My ex.
Luke: Oh I should go.
Emma: No you don't have to.
Luke: Yeah I think I do. See you around.
Emma: Yeah.
Michael: Who is that?
Emma: He just moved here and I was showing him around.
Michael: Oh.
Emma: Why?
Michael: You looked pretty cosy.
Emma: You kidding?
Michael: No. Why do you think that.
Emma: How could you of all people say that? You cheated on me.
Michael: Where are you going.
Emma: Some where away from you. Don't follow me!
Michael: Emma!
Tracey: What happened?
Michael: Emma, was walking with another guy and I just asked her who she was. She got really mad.
Tracey: Well, she had a reason to.
Michael: How?
Tracey: Well how did you feel seeing her with another man?
Michael: Well, I felt shocked that she would move on that fast.
Tracey: Not every guy she is with is her boyfriend ok. If she did move on than good on her.

Scene Six


Ben: Finally you decide to turn up.
Jake: I'm sorry, it's been tough lately.
Ben: Yeah, well I still managed to come to work. Look at what I've been through.
Jake: Sorry. You ok?
Ben: Kelly broke up with me.
Jake: Why?
Ben: She wanted a break.
Kelly: Hi Jake.
Jake: Hey.
Kelly: Ben, I'm sorry about how yesterday turned out.
Ben: Yeah, um my shift is finished.

Scene Seven

Jacks House

Lily:  (talking on phone) Listen I know it's tough Kelly, but remember you broke it off.
Kelly: It's like he hates you.
Lily: He doesn't hate you, he just hates what you did. Give him time. Jacks back I will talk to you soon ok.
Jack: Hey.
Lily: Hi. You look really serious.
Jack: Lily, I really want to marry you as soon as possible.
Lily: Me too.
Jack: So where do you want to have it again?
Lily: The beach obviously.
Jack: Than, can we have it in a few weeks, maybe even next week.
Lily: What?
Jack: Listen to what your friends are going through. I just don't want to leave too long. What do you say?

Scene Eight


Luke: Hey, Emma.
Emma: Hey. How are you?
Luke: Good, how was your ex.
Emma: Pathetic that's what he is. He wants me back but I don't want him.
Luke: So why did you break up?
Emma: He cheated on me.
Luke: Why? Your beautiful.
Emma: Really? Thank you. No see my sister died last year and I was grieving. He did it around that time.
Luke: That's terrible.
Emma: Yeah and so I don't want him back at all. I mean I still love him but he hurt me so much.
Luke: He doesn't deserve you.
Emma: I know and that's why I don't want him back.

Scene Nine

Kelly's House

Kelly: Hey Ben.
Ben: Hey, listen it's going to be awkward, me living here. I'm not going to kick you out so I decided to move out.
Kelly: No, Ben you can't do that.
Ben: I've already packed up, I'm leaving tomorrow.
Kelly: I'm sorry.
Ben: I'm sorry too, but it has to be this way.

Scene Ten

Jacks House

Lily: So when do you want to have it?
Jack: Next week or maybe two weeks.
Lily: Wow, it's a lot to ask
Jack: It is, I'm sorry. Don't worry about it we can..
Lily: No if that's what you want then sure. Let's get married next week.
Jack: Really?
Lily: Yeah!
Jack: I love you.
Lily: Love you too, I've got to go tell my  friends.

Next time

"Liam: Why do you act so weird around me now?
Emily: I'm sorry ok but the though of you kissing Penny, is still in my mind."

"Lisa: Please you have to find her and lock her up.
Sasha: Do you guys need help?"

"Emma: He can't just think that he owns me, he has to stop acting like this."

"Emma: Luke what are you doing?"

Nothing can ruin Lily and Jacks day,

Well we think anyway

Will Lily get to the wedding on time

"Lily: I can't do this anymore!"

Don't miss the wedding

Coming soon!!

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