NCIS- The past is haunting her

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Ziva's POV

Today is just like every other day. I get up at 4am, ii get changer and go for my run. When i get back, i shower, change, grab an apple and a coffee to go from a café round the corner and head to work. When i arrive in the bullpen it is empty. Well there is a team in working on their latest case but theres no suprise its only 5:30am and everyone arrives at 7:00am sharp. When i get to my desk, i check my email and finish my paperwork. I hate paperwork but its something that an NCIS agent has to do. Our letters also come in buy our paper guy Rich. 

"Hi Rich any letters today" (I ask not expecting one anyway) "Hi Ziva erm yes there are three for you today. Non for the others. You OK today" "I am fine today just finishing paperwork you?" "Not bad either. Im taking my daughter Ice Skating when i've finished work today so it should be great" "Thats great how is Lucy, i've not seen her for what seems ages?" "She's good, growing up to fast for her age. Already acting like she's in her late teens and she's only 11" "Kids these days grow up to fast, just like me realy" "Same here, you know she would like to talk to you soon since her mom is dead" "To me realy" "Yeah she said that you are the only person she can talk to about things" "You can bring her up before you go if you want, that's if there still is no case" "Im sure she'd love that. Ill bring her up. Its been quite here hasn't it" "I know Mandy's team over there they have just got their case a whillle back. Its like there the only team thats working on a case right now. We've not had one for weeks" "You know if it gets boring you could always come and talk with me" "I sure will" "Ill bring Lucy up to you later then probably after iceskating because im going in an hour. Ill be back after lunch anyway" "Thats no problem. Its always great talking with you" "You too. Ill have to go and finish of these letters" "See you later then" "See you Ziva"

As i sit back at my desk i realise that all my work is done. I have nothing else to do and its only 6:15am. No one will be here for another half an hour. I hear the elevator ding and look over to see who's in early and i see the Director. "Hi Ziva, wow your in early whats your excuse" "Couldn't sleep so i thought id come into work early since i had nothing else to do" "Couldn't sleep, what time have you been  in here Ziva?" "Since 5:30am why?" "It's not like you to be early Ziva, did you do what those crazy people do every morning?" "If you mean run, yes and i doubled it, cleaned my apartment from top to bottom, contacted some friends in Israel, came here, finisihed paperwork talked to Rich and now i have nothing else to do!" "Wow, i've never seem anyone work like that in the morning" "That's probably a start. Anyway im still ajusting to the time people get into work. In Mossad i had to be in 5 am sarp" "Ziva you know you have been working for NCIS for 8 years now surely there must be something else thats on your mind" "I dont think so apart from nightmares i get but thats it" "Night mares, how often are they" "Like every day since i got back from the Middle East" "That's one month Ziva. I am starting to worry" "Worry woah Vance their not for anyone to worry about, well maybe me, but no one else" "Ok Ziva maybe later we can talk about them in my office" "Ok as it seems i have nothing much to do today" "Ok see you later Ziva, tell Gibbs that i need to see him as well when he comes in" "Will do Vance" "Thank you Ziva"

As Vance leaves and goes upstairs i see Tony and McGee walk in. As i am about to walk up to see if Mandy's team need any help- "Woah my ninga! What did Vance want" "Just a chat Tony" "Just a chat well Ziva i think it was more than that" "Fine, if you want to know what it was he asked me if i was having any problems and i told him the answer and not as if you need to know but im busy Tony, so if you dont mind letting go of my arm i would apreachiate it" "You should do what she says ortherwise you know what she will so" "Is that a threat?" "Should be now if you don't mind!!!" "Letting go of your arm"

As i walk over to Mandy's team they are happy too see me. When they needed a translater i was always there and looks like they needed me now so here i am. "Hey Mandy need any help" "Actualy yes Ziva, we where wondering if you don't mind exlaining to us what this person on the tape that we found is saying" "Sure" the tape is playing "If you dont mind Andy i think we haave it all covered. But we can't just leave the plans out anyone will find it. Listen they did not have any hope finding us last time so why should we now. Wait are you telling me that you have done this before with out telling me Brad? Yes i am Andy. Anyway noone in NCIS would understand us because they do not have an interpretor and if they did i would know! How? Because i know these things anyway we have to act in exactly 15:00 hours on the 23rd of February and you have no chance of backing our otherwise i would just kill you" The tape stops and i am looking worried. "Whats wrong Ziva?" "I think i know where they played this tape! Angie can you get rid of this" "Sure Ziva" "Now play it... And cut that one out" A train station sound appears "Ive got it their at a train station. Angie where's the nearest train station to where the murder scene is" "Kings cross station"  "That's it they have been planning this thing near the train station" "That would be correct. Now the tape would have been only able to play 15km from the trainstation so where ever Brad and Andy is, that is where they probably have left the work" "Thats amazing Ziva, where did you learn that?" "Mossad" I look over to see Gibbs, McGee and Tony all  gathered round watching me. "Looks like Gibbs is in so ill see you guys later" "No problem Ziva, its always a pleasure with you helping us out" "Thank you Mandy, il see you later"

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