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EMMA COULDN'T HELP but grin ecstatically as she and Levi stepped through the doors of the San Diego Comic Con. There were booths and tables left and right, some selling comics, others selling t-shirts and posters. Most people, if not everyone, wore a costume of some sort- Green Arrow, Superman, Captain America, Nick Fury, Black Canary, you name it. A tall, lean Spider-Man whistled as she and Levi walked by.

"I'd save you from evil any day," he called. It was hard to tell under his mask, but Emma was pretty sure he winked.

Emma couldn't help but giggle as the Spider-Man strolled away, nearly taking out a table as he turned to look back at her again. Levi grinned and nudged her shoulder, waggling his eyebrows. "Should I go give him your number?"

"No, thank you," she laughed. "Guys in masks aren't my type."

Emma started to make a beeline for a cool-looking Captain America booth when Levi grabbed her arm and pulled her back.

"Not so fast, speedy," he said, giving her a indecipherable look. "This way."

"What? But all the good stuff is gonna be gone if we don't go now ... Seriously, Levi, where are we going?"

They were standing in front a staircase. It was away from the crowded chaos of the comic con.

Levi, instead of answering, merely took a few steps up the stairs and turned back to look at Emma mysteriously. "Guess you'll have to come and see."

Emma furrowed her eyebrows and squinted at Levi suspiciously.

"Unless the suspense kills you first," he called over his shoulder, continuing up the steps.

Emma groaned and trailed after Levi, her feet dragging on the staircase as she took each step. There was a buff security guard standing next to Levi when she reached the top of the staircase. The two of them were chatting away like old pals, and Emma frowned in confusion.

"Ah, there she is!" Levi grinned and the security guard waved lazily at her, muscles bulging under his black security t-shirt.

"Right this way," the guard said. It was only when he stepped aside that Emma noticed the velvet rope in the doorway. There was a small sign to the left of the doorway that read "VIP Meet & Greet."

Emma stood standstill- shocked- for a moment before slowly turning to glance at Levi. "Uh ... what?"

He grinned sheepishly and shifted from foot to foot before running a hand over his stubbly chin. "Consider it a early birthday present."

She stared at him in silence, her mind still not processing what he was saying. "I'm not sure I understand."

Levi sighed and looped an arm around her shoulders, nudging her through the doorway. "I figured you'd like to meet Anders King at least once in your life. So ... now you get to."

Emma stopped for what felt like the hundredth time, her mouth dropped. "Levi James Carter. You didn't."

"Uh ... I did?"

She wrapped her arms around Levi and squeezed him tightly in a bone-crushing hug.

"I love you so much! You're the most amazing best friend. Ever. To have ever existed on this planet."

Levi tapped the top of Emma's head weakly, his face turning a shade of purple. "Em ... can't ... breathe?"

She quickly released him and cringed. "Sorry."

"Why are you still standing here?" He asked incredulously. "Go!"

Emma grinned nervously and took a deep breath before slowly walking into the room. Her eyes immediately went to the back wall, where a small crowd of people were standing. The group was buzzing excitedly, and as Emma glanced over she saw them: the Captain America Civil War cast. They were each standing behind a table, and a banner was hung behind each of them, complete with a their name and picture of their character. Her eyes skimmed over the banners, one by one. Chris Evans (bless his pure soul), Scarlett Johansson (the queen herself!), Robert Downey Jr., (he really did look identical to Tony Stark), Anders King-

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