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iMESSAGE between EMMA and LEVI

Lewis & Clarke
Guess who's got a date this Friday

Apple Bottom Jeans
That's great Em

Lewis & Clarke
With Anders King!!!!

Apple Bottom Jeans
Oh man
Don't pass out

Lewis & Clarke
He's gonna pick me up on Friday
We're gonna go to the Melting Pot

Apple Bottom Jeans
He's picking you up?
Maybe you should just meet him there

Lewis & Clarke
Why lol
I'm not going to deny him the chance
to be a gentleman

Apple Bottom Jeans
Yeah but do you really want to
give your address to a guy you just met

Lewis & Clarke
I think it'll be fine lol

Apple Bottom Jeans
I just think it would be smarter to meet him there

Lewis & Clarke
Why are you so worried
It's never bothered you with any other date I've been on

Apple Bottom Jeans
Yeah, but I mean ...
Anders is a celebrity

Lewis & Clarke
That automatically makes him a bad person?

Apple Bottom Jeans
All I'm saying is idk
He probably sleeps with girls all the time

Lewis & Clarke
So what then
Am I just another girl he's
going to sleep with

Apple Bottom Jeans
Come on Emma
That's not what I meant and
you know it

Lewis & Clarke
Then what did you mean

Apple Bottom Jeans
I'm your best friend
I'm just trying to look out for you

Lewis & Clarke
Yeah, well maybe try being a better one
I thought you'd be happy for me

Apple Bottom Jeans
I'm just worried about you Em

Lewis & Clarke
I don't need your worrying
I get that enough from my mom

Emma changed "Apple Bottom Jeans" to "Levi"

Come on

Read 2:33 pm

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