Chapter 1: Ecolt

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Once upon a planet called Ecolt, there were different creatures, some with mystical powers to protect it, and others with plans to dominate it.

The boss of those who wanted absolute power was Traiton, a monster with dragon face and dinosaur body, who planned to dominate the land of Ecolt by stealing "the Tree-dimensional Flower" the one that owns it will be able to destroy or to save everything that proposes. Only in a war was lost, breaking it into 5 parts hidden in different worlds; worlds never explored before.

Traiton had been silent for a while, giving peace to various kingdoms. His goal was to find the right portal, which could carry it with the first fragment.

After several months of searching, he managed to find in a cave some old drawings carved on the walls, which showed the location of the portal. Without hesitation, he ran towards him.

A wind bird heard the plan of Betrayal and was a warning to Holt, a very powerful sorcerer in blue robes, Traiton's mortal enemy. When they did this in the news he prepared his troops, but many were afraid of this assignment, because the legend tells, that several have tried to look for it, but none has returned alive.

The only ones who accepted were Octian, a chief of the forest animals who had an antelope body and could be turned into any forest animal; Hair, an old friend of Holt, who has dog face, wolf claws, cheetah legs, dragon body, falcon wings and fox tail; Bastian, a ninja with wolf body; Jane, an eagle of the air, very strong and fast; Otpi, which had an octopus body and could be converted into any marine animal, in addition to using various powers that had such animals, and even some not yet known.

For the 5 had gathered in the forest, so that no one would listen to them.

"Hello, everyone, I know that many do not know me, but I need your help to stop an old friend," Holt said. "I also know, that what I ask of you is not an easy decision, but I will always be grateful."

"I see you still do not put your leash on Traiton," Bastian said with his mocking wolf grin.

"Look who's talking," Octian said.

"You know you can always count on me," Hair said.

"He knows it, he knows we're here, and he's coming," Jane said seriously.

"How do you know?" Bastian asked.

"The wind whispers everything that happens in the world, it's a very effective tracking method that only air birds have," she replied.

"On the march, time is running out," Holt said, starting to run.

To achieve their goal Holt explained to them that the only way to enter the worlds was to cross the portal of the "Thousand Dimensions" or as they called it "The dimensional mirror".

Traiton was very close to the portal. The birds on the wind gathered and began to attack him; they wanted to give them as much time as they could with the others.

"Do you really think that you can stop me with such low attacks?"

"We do not want to stop you, if not to distract you," they answered him the birds forming a maelstrom about him.

Traiton could not see anything. The faster the whirlpool became, the latter swung it up and began to cut off its skin. Without thinking, he threw a ball of fire, but it faded, by the emptiness the whirlpool caused. He relaxed for a moment and inhaled as much air as he could, then released it like a smoke bomb. The birds scattered and Traiton could breathe again.

At that moment the Holt's team arrived, leaving him behind. Furious, he threw a fireball, which made all the birds disappear, but was enough to give an advantage to Holt.

As they reached the portal, the snarls of Traiton were heard, and he was approaching quickly.

"What do we expect? We have to cross at once, now that we have time," Hair said.

"First I have to find the right world, it's not as simple as it seems," Holt said, closing his eyes.

Jane shook his huge wings trying to delay to Traiton, while Otpi threw a jet of water toward him.

"Holt, it's getting closer," said Bastian, insisting.

"Give him patience, he knows what he's doing" Octian said, trying to reassure them.

The mirror began to glow, turning a pale blue.

"I found it, everyone, come in now!!" Shouted Holt, throwing himself into the portal.

The others followed, not knowing what awaited them on the other side.

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