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The world has fallen since the beginning of time. Some of you may have heard of protectors, some of you may believe in an endless chain of Gods that spin all over the world, some of you may believe in some winged creatures, the Angels, but what actually do you know about them? The most majority of people think that they have white wings, signifying the purity and the good side of everything, other people believe in darkened angels, with black wings, meaning the bad side of something do the bad itself, but what do you believe in? Would you believe me if I told you that the angels were not like this in the beginning? Please, come with me in the journey that few people could face and came out strong and safe, because in this wicked world, no one is really safe, not even the bravest could not stand up against the things that an unborn hero was about to face. Are you ready to keep the walk on with me? Let's go, we have our first stop at the start of this beautiful planet.

The universe is endless, lots and lots of stars, planets and rotating galaxies, each one hosting a civilization. Beyond the time, the Universe is expanding, even in this very moment as we speak, and as it grows bigger, new threats are becoming for the new born lives. The expanding of the Universe was always controlled by a mysterious force, and, let's call it "he", took care to each and every living planet to have its guardians. He felt a danger was coming for those planets, and so he created the Angels, a body of a living mundane of the planet with gray wings, flying as a bird and protecting the world from any danger, and the satellites, the home of Angel's protector. The angels, at the starting point, were there just to help around the habitants, building, creating and inspiring the soulful creatures with their needs, but one day, something different was born, it was like a dark fog that was swallowing the universe, trying to take over the planets. The angels wouldn't let that happen, so they went fighting with weapons created by their element, the penumbra. Lots of them would jump right in, but their bodies were taken away by the dark matter, and the shadow infected their souls and colored their wings into a shade darker than the coal. Their souls were guided by the rage, and they started turning onto their race, killing to transforming the other angels into new dark angels. One by one, angels were falling in this fight, either gray ones of dark ones. They gray ones were always outnumbered in the end, and so, world by world fell down into the dark. One day, a new star took shape and it formed a system of planets. I am sure you know the name of the star, it's the only one that after you see it on the sky, you tell yourself "it started a new day!", yes, I am talking about the Sun. The other stars were created to fight the dark, but in a few places it was too late. Around our sun, a new planet was born, everything was either green or blue on it, and it got it's gray angels and its own protector, the moon, the satellite that is half in the dark and half in the light. The darkness saw the new born jewel, with developing life on it and it wanted it so bad that it came to her. The angels flew from the moon to fight the darkness, and the first angels to fight were captured and turned into dark angels. The soldiers of the shadow started attacking the other ones, and they were bringing darkness upon everything they touched. The Sun saw that they wanted to destroy the light and the spark in everything, and it took action by taking the rest of the gray angels and transforming them into the knights of the light, giving them white wings and the ability to create weapons out of the light. A war was started between the white and the dark angels, every day angels would fall down and their souls would fly away, transforming itself into a star in the galaxy that was purifying itself from the matter for a century, and then it would come down and be reborn in the shape of a human, with his gray wings. The newborn angels were kidnapped and transformed by one of the forces, and become a piece in this endless fight. The moon was filled by the gores of the war, and the blood poured on the ground. It took action and stopped the war in a new way, setting rules for the angels. They now can't take the gray angels anymore, they have to decide for themselves, and when they would turn 16 years old, the body's wings will grow into the pure gray shade, made from the equal combination of dark and white. Their actions will decide their faith, each good and bad deed they do will change their shade of wings into a darker or a lighter one, and the moment the moon will look upon them with its enlightened face, he would be transformed into a dark angel or a white one.

The moon ended the cruelty and told that the only way to conquer the human world is by letting the human bodies to do it, and it created the "Guardian Angel Accord", where each human will have until the age of 16, two angels inside him, a white and a dark one who will guide him, both giving him an advice or an order, and only him can decide whether or not to take it as their own, and when the day of maturity comes, the most influent angel would win that soul.

The killing was forbidden and every time an angel would use its power of creating a weapon out of their element, behind the place they took it from, will remain the opposite, teaching them the hard lesson, the violence you use will never do nothing but destroy the thing you fight for. They were not allowed to live on the earth with their wings and the moon created them another dimension, where they could do everything they wanted, even see the human world as it is, but the can't interfere with our dimension in any way from theirs, only by influencing the people with their power of persuasion.

The angels agreed, because other way they would have been destroyed, and in that moment they started creating their community, with their administrative and judging power, called "The Supreme court of The Angels", formed by 10 angels, five white angels and five dark ones, their duty being watch their world and the humans'.

Centuries this system worked, but the dark angels have other things in their mind. They want the supremacy of both worlds, and now they almost found a way to gain the control. They are creating crisis, disease, wars and lots of other harmful ways of destroying the normal order of things, but soon everything will end, because a big hero was about to be born and be in this dangerous fight against the shadow and the evil.

Broken Wings -Volume One: You Can't Escape The Destiny- ((EDITING))Where stories live. Discover now