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Cho Rong

I held my still full cup of bubble tea as I rushed out of the coffee shop. Unfortunately, my day wasn't going well, I bumped into a guy taller than me in a white suit.

He looked at me for a second then knelt down to my eye level. "Are you okay?" Obviously not. But I decided to be nice. "Yes." 

He pulled me up by my wrist without my permission to let him to touch me. "Ugh, I'm late now." I threw away the cup of bubble tea and ran to the company I'm taking the job interview at.

"I'm sorry ma'am, but you don't meet our dress code and it's already too late." The receptionist kept pushing me. I know I have green colored stains on my clothing from the bubble tea but how is that violating their dress code?

That stupid white suit made me late and I just missed my job interview. "Somi, you can stop now, I'll interview her." A familiar voice ringed in my ears. I turned back to see that white suit.

I didn't expect him to be the boss. After the interview ended, many people suddenly crowded the waiting area. I walked to the wall which there were crowding around. There was a paper saying who was accepted.

"Thank you to all who came to become a secretary here, but there's one person that will pass and get the job.

Park Cho Rong." The paper read

I smiled while the other people who tried out, was either sulking or stomping their feet in anger.

"Park Cho Rong, please proceed to the boss' office." An announcement said.

I walked to the boss' office, I knocked and went in after I heard a "Come in."

"Hello, I'm Park Cho Rong." I greeted at the white suit man who is the CEO  of the company.

Apparently, from what I heard, many of the girls wanted to be his secretary because he was handsome. I can't lie, he is handsome.

"I know your name already, you bumped into me earlier and during the interview you told me your name too." He chuckled, it sounded like angels were blessing me with another angel.

I was going in and out of his office to take papers and documents for him, it's tiring.



I looked up from the documents I was working on when I saw Cho Rong at her desk in my office doing the project she was supposed to finish by this week for me.

"Cho Rong, let's go for lunch." I told her but she didn't budge.

"Cho Rong?"

I walked to her and saw her sleeping. I chuckled. How cute.

I went out to get food from the pantry and went back to my office with some girls in the office following me.

I put the food I selected for Cho Rong on her table and put a post it there.

"This food are for you, once work ends, let's go on a date." I wrote down on the post it and I took some time to stare at her beautiful baby face.

I went back to my desk. I sat on my chair and saw her moving, I instantly looked back at my computer, pretending to work.

From the corner of my eyes, I saw her rub her eyes. "Your lunch is on the table, since you were sleeping, I didn't want to disturb you." I told her without looking away from my computer.

I saw her turning her head the right side of her desk and read the post it. "What's this." She asked.

"Go on a date with me after work, what do you think about that?" I asked her, acting cool at the same time.

"Um-" "I'm not taking no as an answer." I cut her off and said.

"Okay." She gives in and I grinned.


I grabbed her hand and pulled her out of the office, when people saw us, they started whispering.

"Boss! Why are you holding her hand?" One the girls who fangirls over me asked me.

"She's my official girlfriend, any problem with that?" I said and pecked Cho Rong's soft lips.

I pulled the confused girl out of the company building and we walked to a nearby cafe. "Why did you say that?" She suddenly said.

"Simple, I like you." I said.

"Be my official girlfriend?" I asked her.

She looked at me with a slightly open mouth.

"Uh-" "I'm not taking a no." I cut her off again.

After a few moments of thinking, she decided to answer me. "Sure." She smiled.

Sorry if the ending is quite sudden, I'm not good at endings and also, I hope you enjoyed this imagine. Requested by midnightangelxo

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