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797 29 2

Period Day
Word Count: 333
Requested by: Anijji


I woke up with a stab in the stomach first thing in the morning.

Good thing it does not really have a knife in my stomach. I bet I would have been dead by now with a knife.

I limped my way to the bathroom and checked my Underwear, as expected, my blood was on it.

i tried to get a pad with my underwear still not on and jongjong suddenly came in without knocking.

"I told to knock!" I said without remembering he could see my without my underwear. I saw him blushing while looking at me, frozen.

I looked down and realised. My face turned super red and I suddenly got mad and pushed him out of my bedroom.

I took a pad and put it on my newly washed + dried underwear. I then walked out to my jongjong and glared at him.

"I told you to knock multiple times and you still choose to barge in like that!" I got angry til my face became red.

"chill baby, it's not like the first time I... barge in?" He said it in a more like question then a statement.

I threw the couch pillow at him. "You on your period or what?" He said it slightly annoyed.

"Yes I am!" I said, throwing another couch pillow.

He stared at me for a few seconds before opening his arms, motioning to me for a hug. I slowly walked to him and wrapped my arms around his torso.

I buried my head in his chest. He pulled me to the couch and started cuddling with me. Him being the big spoon.

He planted kisses all over my face. On my head, cheeks, nose and lips. He caressed my hair and kissed the top of my head.

I smiled as I went off to my dreams.

So sorry! this is quite bad but I had no time,  I was doing this while doing my homework and 9:30pm. it's not an excuse though.

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