Chapter 22

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Cadi's POV

We got there, and bang. Bang. Bang. I knew it! We were sent here to fight like we were fr that last 2 camps before this. This is bullshit!

I just grab a gun, and go running. I tear through the woods, and then set up on the very edge. These bastards were putting our lives on the line, for what? So they can eat, and hangout without any problems!?

About an hour later, I heard footsteps behind me. I thought nothing of it, but then there was a sharp pain in the back of my head, and everything went black...

. . . . . . . . . .

When I wake up, I am blinded by a bright light. I try to move my hands, but they are tied behind me, and to the back of a chair. Shit.

My feet were also tied to the legs of a chair. I wasn't impressed at all now. I hear a door being unlocked, then opened.

"You. Of course. The really pretty one is here again. Very good choice."

I watch as he walks up to me. I stare him straight in the eyes. He wasn't keeping me for long. 

"Hey there. So, how's little miss sniper doing today?"

I glare at him, and then look down, not wanting to show him the tears welling up in my eyes. I see blood on my shirt, and realise I wasn't wearing what I had been when I was captured. They did something to me...

I look up at him in shock, and he smirks, pulling up my shirt and pressing two fingers to the bullet hole from before. I bite my tongue to prevent myself from screaming. This was just that agonising.

When he pulls his fingers away, I let out a relieved sigh.

"So, sniper. I want to know how many times you have defied my orders," he growls.

I spit in his face. "I am not one of your soldiers."

He slaps me, hard. That was gonna leave a bruise.

"Why don't I just tell you where you are going next? So young, must still be innocent too," he smirks. I glare at him, till realisation dawns over me.

I shake my head. He wouldn't dare. I would kill the person I was sent to. NO!

"Oh yes young lady. Come on." He starts untying my feet, and I cant stop him. I am in shock. I refuse!

He yanks me to my feet, and pulls me with him. We walk out of the room, and down a dark hallway. We make it to the end of the hall, and walk out onto the camp grounds. I look around, and realise its a different camp. Not even one of ours.

He walks me to the biggest tent, and throws me inside. I stumble a little bit, but don't fall.

I hear a deep voice behind me, and know instantly who's it is.

"Hey there, pretty."

"Shut up, Cole."

"No. Never tell a commander to shut up."

"I can do as I please."

"You are still just as naive and stupid as before."

"That's good, get off me."

He just moves closer to me, and whispers in my ear, "You're mine." 


HEY GUYS! This is the last chapter in this book. Hope you enjoyed it! The next book is called "Get Her Back: Book 2" please look for it if you enjoyed this one!

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