Chapter One

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**Btw-I'm a HUGE Star Wars fan but sometimes my facts are off so if I get something wrong, feel free to correct me:)**

Chapter One

"Master Tasmine?" asks a feeble voice.

I smile and nod, looking up to see the voice belongs to a young girl.

She grins. "Follow me please Master Tasmine."

I do as she says, taking in the view.

Naboo is a beatufiul planet. I've been here only twice-well three times now.

"What's your name?" I ask.

"Ariel Senn," she replies shyly.

"Call me Bellena, Ariel," I say. 

"Are you sure?" she asks, almost afraid.

"Of course," I insist. "I'm not one for formalties."


"This is your room," says Ariel, opening a door to a lighted airy room.

"Thank you," I say. "But what about the meeting? With the Queen and her guards and such?"

 "They're -erm- experiencing difficulties right now," Ariel says. "When they're ready for you someone will come."

"Um . . . alright," I say. "Thank you."

As soon as she shuts the door I collapse on the couch as my pager vibrates on my belt.

"Bellena here," I say tiredly.

"Bellena? It's Obi Wan."

I sit up, startled.

"Obi Wan?" I ask.

"Yes. Where are you Bellena?"

"I'm on Naboo guarding Queen Isabella," I reply standing up. "What's going on? Are you and Anakin still on Kashyyyk?" (A/N: I think that's how you spell it :p)

"No actually we're on our way to Coruscant," he replies. "But there's something I need to ask of you."

"And . . . what would that be?"


I refrain from going. I've always had a bit of a problem with Anakin.

I don't trust him.

"What about him?"

"I have to go do a mission . . . on my own," Ob i Wan begins.


"And Anakin always gets sore about these kind of things because he thinks the council doesn't trust him."

"But the council doesn't trust him," I say.

"Regardless," says Obi Wan. "I've talked to the council and if you agree-they want Anakin to become a part of your mission."

I say nothing. I know what I should do. But part of me doesn't want to.

"Alright," I say.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23, 2014 ⏰

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