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Cassidy's pov-

Waking up in the morning was a struggle like always but what surprised me the most was the fact that Dexton was not on the bed, usually its me who wakes up sooner.

I turned to see the time, 9:00 am.

I'm late.

Rushing out of the bed I ran to washroom and freshened up, changing into a white dress ending just a few inches above my dress.

I then went out to the dining table where we all usually have breakfast but to my surprise Dexton was not there as well, i sat next to Sofia while taking Anna into my arms .she seemed quite today.

"Mom, where is Dexton?" I questioned, mom gave me a quick smile.

"Some work related stuff, he left quite early." Work related stuff? As his personal assistant I am not aware of any clients over here.

I gave mom a nod and turned to my princess "good morning Anna! How is my princess today?" I tried to cheer her up but she looked up to me and then snuggled up wrapping her arms around my neck.

"God" Anna answered quietly, I looked up to Sofia puzzled and she just shacked her head and shrugged.

All of us had breakfast and later I took Anna with me to my bedroom. I put her down on the bed as she had fallen asleep.

I think she was just sleep deprived?

I took my phone and called Dexton a dozen of times but he did not pick up his damn phone, where is he?

I was starting to get worried, when an idea propped up in my mind and ran to my laptop opening in and going to our present client list.

I checked through them all but found nothing, nothing at all which told me we have any clients here, so too keep myself calmed down I decided to get some work done.

Today all of us had decided to relax.

After almost three hours the goals set up for me to complete this month was done, as if on queue Anna woke up as well.

It was now two thirty in the afternoon.

Anna rubbed her eyes and finally adjusted to the light as she looked around the room.

When her eyes set on me, I opened my arms for her as she got down the bed and came to me.

I took her in my lap and combed her hair using my fingers as she placed her head in-between my neck and shoulder.

It always felt content to hold Anna in my arms.

"Princess, what is wrong?" I questioned as Anna snuggled more into me "nothing, ma"

As a mother, I knew Anna quite well. Something was wrong for sure.

What? I did not know.

For the rest of the day me and Anna saw tons of Disney movies, Anna seemed to enjoy it but she was not opening up to me.

At around 8'O clock I got a text from Dexton which simply said 'I have work, stop calling me. I will be back tomorrow morning.'

I was worried why was everyone acting weird today, I mean Anna and Dexton.

After receiving the message I told Anna that her father would not be home soon, she had been waiting for Dexton.

The moment I told Anna, she burst into tears.

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