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That's how I felt when my head hit the pillow and the second I woke up.

There was something about being kissed that made you feel like you could do anything. It gave you confidence.

"Good morning!" Casey said as I walked into the kitchen. She already had two bowls of oatmeal out, and ready to be eaten.

"Morning, thanks for making this." I said, attempting wiping the sleep out of my eyes.

"No problem, I knew you got home late from your date last night so I figured I'd congratulate you."

"Congratulate me for what?" I asked, confused.

"Well normally when a girl gets home that late, they've either done the deed or made out the entire time." Casey said with a wink. My cheeks immediately heated up, embarrassment taking over.

Maybe we did spend some of the date kissing, but we didn't just make out the entire time. Although, Harry did try to make it that way.

"Well, uh, we kissed but nothing else." I said shyly, I felt uncomfortable telling Casey about my love life.

"How the hell did you hold back from having sex with Harry Styles?" She asked, bewilderment in her eyes.

"I'm not really that type of girl." I said, getting more offended with each passing second.

"I'm just messing around with you, I'm glad you had fun. Now, eat this healthy oatmeal before it gets cold." Casey ordered.

"You sound like my mother."




"Hate everything he ever wrote, it bores me to death." Harry said, scrunching his nose at the mention of one of history's greatest play writers.

"Why do so many people use his work then?" I asked.

"Because they like those random words he uses to sound sophisticated."

"That makes no sense." I said laughing, Shakespeare had incredible story lines that are still used today.

"I know, I just don't like his writing."

"How did you survive eighth grade?" If I remember correctly, the whole last part of the year was spent dissecting Romeo and Juliet.

"Google." Harry said with a shrug. I laughed at him, causing some other students to look over at us.

"And you never got caught?" If I had tried to pull that at my school, I would have immediately gotten suspended.

"Never, not once. They don't care about that kind of stuff when you're thirteen I guess."

"I bet you were cute in middle school." I blurted out, not meaning to say it out loud.

"Oh no, I was horrifying." Harry pulled a face, clearly remembering his youth.

"Bet you weren't." I shot back.

"I was the ugliest kid back then, if I had proof it would burn your eyes." He said with a chuckle, eyes becoming a light shade of green as his head tilted back.

"Anyway, what are you doing tonight? Like around eight or so?" He asked, randomly changing the topic.

"Nothing, I should be finished with all my work by then."

"I have a fight tonight, and I want you to come." Harry said, sounding a mix of hopeful with some doubt.

"I don't know, it's not really my scene."

Just recalling what it was like at his last fight made me fidget on the bench. It wasn't exactly enjoyable to watch.

"I like having you there, it gives me something to fight for."

My heart would be melted right now if that was even possible.

"How could I say no now?" I sighed, Harry always seemed to win.

"That's what I was hoping you'd say."

Suddenly he leaned over, gently pressing his lips to mine. They were amazingly soft, and left all too soon. It was clear that he wanted to leave me wanting more.

"See you tonight." Harry swiftly got up, walking off into the crowd of students whom roamed about the quad.

That boy will be the death of me.


"Leah, didn't think I would see you here." Niall said as I walked up to him and his group.

"Blame Harry." I said jokingly.

"So, you two huh? Are you a thing now, or what?"

"I have no idea." I said honestly, Harry and I haven't talked about getting serious yet.

"Well I know it will be a first for Harry. He never settles down with one girl." Niall said with a laugh.

If Harry has never settled with one girl, then how will I know if he takes us serious?

Maybe I need to calm down, Harry hasn't even asked me to be his girlfriend. If he will ever even ask me to be.

My thoughts are halted when the announcer comes on stage, introducing the two fighters. Of course the crowd goes absolutely crazy as Harry ducks under the ropes and steps into the ring, pumping his fists in the air.

As the bell for round one rings, everything around me disappears. All my attention is on Harry as he eyes his competitor. The other male is first to make a move, hitting Harry on his right cheek. This doesn't seem to faze Harry at all, probably hurting me more than it hurt him.

I almost scream as Harry gets hit again in the stomach, he noticeable winces as the other fighter continually hits him in the side. Finally, something switches in Harry's eyes as he brings his fist back and lands a huge blow to his competitors face. The man stumbles back before shaking his head and getting back into the fight.

I watch as the sweat on Harry's skin glistens, muscles flexing as he undercuts his competitor, sending him to the ground.

The crowd roars, watching as the ref checks to see if the man is conscious. He then shakes his head, calling for medics to retrieve the man.

Harry rounds the ring, finally finding me and simply winking.

He mouthes something, but I can't make out what it was. He's escorted out of the ring after being declared the winner.

The crowd still hasn't died down as I go to find Harry, going back to the room he brought me to the last time I was here.

The door is closed, but I decide to go inside anyway. I hear a mix of voices, a few burly men just around the corner of the changing room. I don't move, still not seen by anyone.

"You still haven't done your job Harry. I told you what I needed last week, and you still haven't done your side of the deal!" I hear a familiar voice, and realize it's Nikolai.

"I'm sorry, I've just been distracted lately." Harry says.

"What, with that girl you brought to my art gallery the other day?" He scoffs, anger heard clearly in his voice.

"No, it's just harder to get business right now. Class is starting a-"

"No more excuses Harry, do what needs to be done by your next fight or else your girlfriend suffers the consequences." Nikolai sounds threatening, and I don't doubt for a second that he will go through with whatever he is suggesting.

"It's already taken care of." Harry says, and I take this opportunity to step back out the door, making sure that I'm not caught.

The crowd helps me blend in, and once I see Nikolai and his men leave, I step back inside the changing room, ready to confront Harry about whatever is going on.

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