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Harry's POV:

Feeling constrained 24/7 had to be one of the worst things ever. I wasn't aloud to move much unless it was to use the bathroom, or take a less than sufficient shower. The boys took shifts making sure I didn't perform physical activity, and Leah made sure to come over after her classes to watch me.

I felt under surveillance all the time, and it honestly fucking sucked. On the bright side, my ribs have healed for the most part and nose is already back to normal, besides the small bump left from the break.

Leah straddled my torso, "I kind of like it, it shows how much of a bad ass you are." She laughed before touching the small bump on the bridge of my nose.

I chuckled, "Yeah, I am pretty bad ass, aren't I?" She moved her hands to my abdomen, practically teasing me without even knowing it.

I want her, more than I've ever wanted anyone or anything.

But not right now, not yet.

Patience Harry, patience.

Instead of trying anything too serious, I leaned up, pressing my lips to hers, savoring the feeling of having our skin in contact. She laced her fingers in my hair as my tongue entered her mouth, causing a light groan to escape her lips, nearly sending me overboard. I was the first to pull away, catching my breath before lust could cause me to go any further.

If Leah wanted to wait to have sex then we'd wait, but god was it hard. I wanted all of her since the first time we kissed, and all the times our lips have touched since then.

I kissed her forehead before leaning back into the bed, "Once I'm all better we are going out for a nice, romantic dinner." I said, tucking a loose strand of hair behind her ear. Leah smiled, and I swear the whole damn room seemed to become a bit brighter.

"That sounds really nice, where will this romantic dinner take place? You know, so I can put it in my calendar." She asked purposely, knowing I always save the locations of our dates for the moment we actually arrive there.

"I have no clue," I answered honestly, too caught up in the proximity of our bodies. Leah sighed, accidentally pressing too hard on my torso, causing me to wince in pain. She quickly apologized, attempting to climb off my lap but I held her there.

"This sucks." I complain, not caring how childish I sound.

Leah grins, "You hate not being able to do anything, don't you?"

"More than you can imagine." I say, frowning. Right now I should be able to pick her up and listen to the sharp giggles that leave her lips as I carry her until our laughs run out.

My stomach makes an involuntary sound, causing her to furrow her eyebrows. "Do you want me to make you some food?" She offers.

"As much as I love your cooking, tonight feels more like a Chinese kind of night."

She laughs,"I take no offense to that, Chinese beats my cooking any day."

"You do make a sick bowl of macaroni and cheese though, I'll give you that." I say with a grin, poking her cheek in the process.

Her smile widens, nudging my finger away from her face with her hand. "Are you going to order it, or should I?" She asks, bringing back my attention. God, just one second with her could sway my focus.

"You go ahead and order it, you know, since I'm a cripple." Leah rolls her eyes, contradicting the smile on her face. She takes out her cellphone, easily finding the local Chinese restaurant's number and calling them. After a minute or so she's already hanging up, letting me know the food should be here pretty soon.

"I didn't know having a couple of broken ribs meant you couldn't make a phone call," she teases. I wrap my arm around her waist, pulling her closer to me, not caring if it hurts. A giggle rings in my ear, enough to subdue the slight pain coming from my rib cage.

The door to my room opens, "Just coming to check on- Why the hell is it always me?" Niall says loudly, I peer around Leah to find his face a deep shade of red.

"Well I'm doing just great, thanks for checking." I begin to laugh, quickly stopping once it hurts so much to even breathe. When I'm finished, Niall is already gone, and Leah is smiling down at me.

"I like to see you like this, happy." She says before leaning down and pressing her lips to mine, pulling away far too quickly.

"For what it's worth, I'm only like this when you're around, just ask the boys. They probably are done with me by now."

For the past week or so, I've been an asshole to them, probably pushing my limit with this whole being injured thing. But hell, that's what friends are for, to deal with you even when you're being a complete arse to them.

"Hopefully nothing will ruin this," she says, "maybe Nikolai is finished with his games."

At moments like this, I'm glad that she's so naive. I don't say anything to her comment, I have been trying to keep Nikolai out of my thoughts for the past few days, and it's been helping, but not much. Even when I'm trying to distance him from my thoughts, he's always lurking in the darkest parts of my mind, menacing smile and all. To say having Nikolai enter my life took a toll would be the ultimate understatement. He's ruined almost every good thing I've had in the past few years, and I'm sick of it. Just as my thoughts turn to hatred, the door to my bedroom door opens, revealing Liam with a large brown bag.

Liam puts the bag onto my bedside table, "After you didn't answer the door for awhile I went ahead and got it. The delivery guy was pissed by the way, had to tip him big time." Once he's finished complaining, I pay him back before shooing him out of the room.

Leah and I eat the food straight out of containers, one of my favorite ways to spend our evenings. I laughed as a noodle slipped from her mouth, landing onto her lap. She frowned before eating it quickly, "Five second rule."

I grinned, "That's my girl."

Turning on the music from my phone, and playing it into new speakers I bought a couple weeks ago, we ate in a comfortable environment.

Nothing could possibly beat this, food and music. Literally one if the most perfect combinations you could have in life, and I get to spend it with a beautiful girl, who just so happens to be in my bed at the same time.

Stop it, Harry.

These thoughts of going under the sheets and - oh fuck, there I go again. I stir on the bed, bringing those thoughts to an abrupt halt.

As we finish up, Leah presses her lips to mine, leaving a feeling of want, but for now I push it away.

All my focus needs to be put on our relationship, healing, and waiting patiently for my revenge on Nikolai.

(This was a filler, but the next few chapters will be more entertaining, I promise.

I want to set up goals for more motivation to write, so can this chapter get 250 votes and thirty comments?

First one to guess my favorite song by One Direction gets a follow!

Instagram: @heswriting

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