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Maybe this is a mistake.

I tried to convince my self all day that finding out Harry's secret was of major importance, but as each second ticked by I felt as if my knees may buckle from nervousness.

Just the strength to walk down the steps after the doorbell rang was barely mustered. Harry stood outside the front door of the apartment, hands stuffed in his pockets. He greeted me with a gentle kiss, accompanied by his award winning smile.

"Stay close to me when we get there, alright? Some of those guys get handsy when they've had a bit too much to drink." Harry warned once we were inside his car.

"Trust me I won't, kind of have that social anxiety."

"You know, I always forget about that because of how naturally you spoke to me at the beginning."

I loved how he used the term 'beginning' like the beginning of us. It just sounded beautiful in itself.

"Well maybe that's because I liked you." I said with a laugh.

"When was the exact moment you knew you'd liked me?"

"When you asked me to borrow a pencil."

"That is the worst fucking answer, Leah. I was pretty rude when I asked you, maybe I should try it on other girls to get then to like me as well." At that I whacked Harry on the arm, probably a lot less forceful than I wanted. Harry began to laugh loudly, a beautiful sound echoing through the car.

"You could've killed us both right there! I could've swerved over into traffic!" Harry said with a smile still on his face.

"Then why are you laughing?"

"Because you punch like a girl."

"I do not!" I hit Harry in the arm as he parked in a vacant spot. All he did was simply laugh once again.

"You're so weak, it's ridiculous. I may have to take you to a few training sessions to build those muscles." Harry teases, opening his car door and stepping out. I do the same, being met with a semi-trashy looking bar in front of me. Harry comes around the car, protectively taking my hand into his and pulling me as close as possible.

"When you said close, you really meant close." I say.

"There aren't great people in here, just don't leave my side." He says sternly before leading me inside the bar.

As soon as we step inside several men greeted Harry. They all have tattoos covering their bodies, piercings in every spot possible, and a menacing vibe bouncing off of them. To say they are intimidating would be an understatement. Most of them seem older, maybe mid thirties or forties. Almost every single one allows their eyes to wander up and down my body, causing Harry to tense at my side.

"Let's just keep walking, yeah?" Harry said more to himself, tugging me through a group of thug looking men back to some familiar faces.

Niall, Louis, Liam, and Zayn all sad on a ragged brown couch, watching a large flat screen television. Liam was the first to notice us, giving his usual warm smile. The rest simply nodded at our presence, too invested into whatever was going on in the world of sports.

"Hello Leah, I would never expect for you to be here." Liam said, nervously looking from Harry to me.

"Just figured a night out would be good." I said with my own smile, Liam was really kind and I'm honestly happy that he's friends with Harry.

"Let's have a seat." Harry suggested seeming as we were still standing in front of the group, sitting us down on a small couch, big enough for two. It was torn up like the other one, but still comfortable enough.

"Here's your usual, Harry." A women, I'm assuming the bartender, handed Harry a beer. She wore a black dress which matched her hair. She also had tattoos like everyone else, a pattern going up the side of her neck.

"And who is this beautiful girl we have here?" She asked kindly, showing a smile.

"This is Leah, my girlfriend." Harry smiled, nudging me in the side.

"It's nice to meet you." I say, returning her smile.

"You too darling, I'm Rita. Let me know if I can get you anything to drink."

"I'm fine for right now, thank you." I say. Rita nods, the smile not leaving her face once.

"No problem sweetie, I'll be at the bar if you need anything." She said with a wink before disappear into the crowd of men.

"You come here a lot?" I ask.

"Guess so, the boys and I come for almost every football match. It's kind of our tradition." Harry says with a shrug, bringing the bottle of beer to his shirt and popping the lid off, bringing it to his lips and leaning his head back to take a large gulp of alcohol in.

"Bloody hell!" Louis yelled at the television screen, I looked over to find that the other team had scored a goal.

"My heart is beatin' so fast right now." Niall said, putting his hands on his chest. Harry simply leaned back into the couch, laughing at his friends.

"Anyone want, like, another beer?" Zayn asked. It was oddly cute how he added unnecessary words to his sentences.

All of the boys nodded, Zayn stood and began walking to the bar.

"Sit back with me." Harry whined, I hadn't even realized how far forward I was sat. I scooted further back, turning to Harry who too the opportunity to kiss me, causing that unexplainable feeling to grow inside once again.

"Get a room!" Louis said with a groan. Harry laughed against my lips, pulling away to flick off his best friend. I opted to lean into Harry's side instead, enjoying the warmth his body was providing. He kissed the top of my head, a gesture that was completely heart warming.

"Who's winning?" Harry asked.

"We're tied with those bastards, there's not much time left on the clock either." Niall explained rather unhappily.

"If we lose again to them I'm going to bash my head into a wall." Louis said quite seriously.

"You better not do that before drinking this beer I just bought you." Zayn said as he walked up with five beers. He walked up to me, offering me one. I couldn't really deny his offer, so I took it and thanked him.

"Figured you could you a drink because, like, being around us idiots can be straining, I know." Zayn said with a laugh, and I joined him.

"You all actually aren't that bad, at least you don't tell horrible jokes like Harry." I said, earning a scowl from the one and only.

"My jokes are not that bad."

"Yes they are, mate." Zayn said as he sat back down.

"Well I've got to go take a piss." Harry muttered, getting up from the couch and making his way through the bar.

I watched as the boys anxiously watched the television, dangerous looking men looked at me from afar, and Harry still hadn't returned.

At ten minutes I became suspicious, excusing myself to the bathroom, with a sick feeling that I'd find Harry doing something absolutely horrible.

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