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Something about me felt different, better. I felt like a whole other person if that's even possible.

Before I was a shy girl with no friends, and zero chance at ever having a boyfriend. Now I've become more confident and found someone who I care for so deeply. I say deeply because I'm afraid to even think of that word when it comes to Harry. Yes, I'm certain my feelings are strong for him, but telling someone you love them is a whole other thing in itself. My parents always told me to save those three words for someone who deserves them, and considering how Harry's hiding something from me makes me wonder if he does.

The rain's constant pounding against my bay window helped to soothe out my thoughts, but of course that didn't last long.

When someone has piercing green eyes like his, how can you possibly keep them out of your mind?

"I think too much." I say aloud, to no one in particular. No response comes from the blank walls surrounding me.

Harry should be here soon to have an all day marathon of movies, it was his idea, not mine. Hopefully he's not bringing over movies that mostly relate to guys, because then I'll probably just fall asleep out of pure boredom. I love movies that actually have some sort of storyline and make you feel emotions, not just some burly guys punching and shooting each other.

The doorbell ringing caused me to shoot up off my bed and quickly walk to the front door, fixing my hair before unlocking it. Harry stood on the other side, a wide grin on his face.

"I know pizza wasn't mandatory, but I figured that we could eat it while we watch the movies, unless you've already eaten-" I silenced Harry by putting my finger to his lips.

"Just get in here so I can eat some damn pizza."

"Yes ma'am." Harry brushed past me, setting the box of pizza down on the kitchen counter.

"Is Casey here?" Harry asked as I got two plates out of the cabinet.

"No, her and Liam are going up to his parents house for the day."

"Wow, they're really serious aren't they?" Harry said in disbelief.

"Yeah, I guess so." I said with a shrug.

"You know, if I actually had a relationship with my parents I'd take you to meet them." Harry's words immediately warmed my heart.

"I'll keep that in mind. What movies did you bring?" I asked, picking up a pizza, setting it on my plate and making my way to the couch. Harry soon joined me, putting a disk into the DVD player.

"Well at first I was going to bring all of the Star Wars movies, but then I realized you're a girl and you may not be into that, so I picked up The Notebook instead."

"You are so perfect, you know that right?" As he sat down, I reached over and gently kissed him before picking up my pizza and taking a bite.

"I know I am, you don't have to tell me." Harry said with a wink.

As the movie began, we both silently ate pizza. Once we both finished up, I took out the plates out and sat back down next to Harry, nuzzling into his side as we watched the television.

"I like this." Harry said, pressing a kiss to the top of my head.

"Me too." I said with a smile. After that we stayed quiet for the rest of the movie. As the last scene came on my eyes began to brim with tears, the older version of Noah and Allie lie dead with their hands still connected.

"Are you seriously crying?" Harry asked with a light laugh, pulling me closer to him.

"Maybe a little."

"You're such a girl." He teased before flipping me over so I was now lying on his chest. "But you're my girl." He leaned down, pressing our lips together before deepening the kiss. His lips tasted of pizza mixed with spearmint, an unusually pleasant combination. I wrapped my legs around his waist, a soft moan escaping his lips.

Harry stood up holding me, kissing up and down my jawline before finding my lips once again. He walked us into my bedroom, flopping both of us down onto the bed.

I laughed as Harry clumsily pulled his shirt over his head, getting it caught at least five times. He laughed also before kissing down my chest, sending shivers down my spine, a sensation throughout my entire body. His lips worked their way up my neckline, nipping at the sensitive skin. He began harshly sucking on the spot just under my ear, making me moan involuntarily.

The sound of the front door opening caused Harry to jump off of me, "Shit." He loudly whispered. I motioned to his shirt, which he quickly put back on.

"Why, hello you two." Casey said while peering into my bedroom, which Harry clearly forgot to close the door to.

Harry and I both awkwardly greeted her before walking back into the living room.

"These are some great movie choices, mate." Liam said as he flipped through the selection.

"I know it is. I have a great taste in movies." Harry responded confidently.

"I hope you don't mind that we came back early, I wasn't feeling too good." Casey whispered to me. I just nodded to her before sitting on the couch, Harry joined me but kept some distance.

"You wouldn't mind if we watched this with you guys?" Liam asked. Harry and I both shrugged, still uncomfortable from what just happened.

"Sick!" Liam said excitedly, putting some comedy into the DVD player.

Casey and Liam sat on the love seat, cuddling as the movie began. Harry simply put his hand on my thigh, but nothing more.

As the movie played my thoughts wandered to what would've happened if Casey and Liam hadn't interrupted us. Was I really about to have sex with Harry?

Maybe I wasn't thinking clearly, but god did it feel good to have Harry kiss and touch me like that.

Maybe a little too good.

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