Chapter 4

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As we sat in the kitchen trying to decide what we should do, we heard the dogs scrambling up the steps, getting closer to the door. Katie jumped up and ran to the door and clicked the lock shut.

"Oowww!" Maria moaned in pain.

"We need a doctor! Katie, did you call animal control?" I asked hopefully.

"Yea! I called them while you were trying to save Violet." Katie replied.

"I'll go call the ambulance!" I called as i ran to the phone.

Grrrrrr! The dogs were outside the door, scratching and trying to get in.

Violet started walking over to the door, but before Katie could stop her, she looked out the window and saw the dogs.

Violet started crying, and we had no idea what to do!......

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 22, 2014 ⏰

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