Mr Morgan

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As soon as his gaze locked on Soph, she gasped. Dark brown eyes captured her.

It wasn't so much that his eyes were pools of gold brown amazingness that she got lost in. Rather it was that for a split second she saw a fleeting recognition in his eyes. He knew who she was! How could that be? She had no idea how it was that this man seemed to know her. Quickly his eyes returned to an almost scowl, a look that said he'd lived needing to project an image of being stern. That fleeting recognition made her wonder if that look in his eyes was how he always was though? She thought perhaps not. Kyle's eyes quickly appraised her and then looked to Jase, the frown deepening his features. Jase's stance stiffened as he involuntarily took a step closer to Soph.

The nurse broke the tension saying, "Mr Morgan, this is Sophia Hunt and Jason Worthington. Sophia called the ambulance last night and Jason was the lifeguard who administered first aid," she said proudly. "I need to get back to the ER," she said turning to Soph and Jase. "You'll be ok to find your way out I'm sure. Take care then," she said swiftly moving out the door. 

As Soph watched the nurse walk out, she could feel a pair of eyes burning into her. She turned back to the man on the bed under the crisp white sheets. He had a very different appearance this morning. Sure there were dark shadows under his eyes and a drawn look to his face, but that was to be expected after the events of the previous evening. What was striking is how clean cut and chiselled he seemed despite his dark eyes and dark tousled hair. 

"Hi Mr Morgan," she said kindly. "We're glad to see you're awake." She cleared her throat as she glanced at Jason. He didn't seem very glad at all. 

"Yes, thank you," he replied, "although, please call me Kyle."

"Kyle," she said nodding her head in acknowledgment. 

Stiffly, Kyle turned his head towards Jason to say, " May I thank you for your kindness on my behalf last night. I...uh...I, do not make a habit of such behaviour," he almost stammered. It was the only moment his stern facade seemed to crack, as if he were ashamed to admit his behaviour of the previous evening.

Soph waited for Jase's response. "I was just glad to do my job and be able to help. Even if it was after official hours," he couldn't help adding. 

"Uh, yes. About that, I'd like to make a generous donation to the surf life saving club to assist in furthering your efforts. It is clearly good work you do there beyond the call of duty it would seem."

Jase was taken aback. Sure, funding had been scarce lately, and their rubber duck was in sore need of repair. In fact they probably needed a new outboard motor altogether. But he felt uncomfortable accepting anything from this man particularly. He thought for a moment and decided to grow up. How many people could that dingy save on a busy day at the back of the surf line. He would just have to trust that this man was not trying to buy him off or anything, and was offering this because he truly felt it a worthy cause. Jase decided to put his own petty feelings aside and think of those who would benefit in the future. 

"I'll have to confirm with the seniors at the club, but I would guess they'd appreciate such a gesture," he replied firmly.

"Good, then may I also thank you both for your kindness in returning my wallet. They cash it held is ruined by the sea water, but I am grateful to have my driver's license and credit cards returned. Thos would have been time consuming to replace."

"That's our pleasure," Soph said beaming at Jase. "It was actually Jason here who found it early this morning before his shift sarted," she said proudly. Jason reddened slightly on his neck and face. "It was nothing," he murmured looking to Soph quickly. 

"Is that so?" Kyle said quietly his eyes narrowing on Jason. Jason had to admit to himself that he was glad for what Soph said, even if it was a small thing, it never hurt to be seen to be the bigger man. He just hoped that Kyle couldn't see through to his real motivations. "Well, thank you Jason," Kyle said nodding in his direction.

"A pleasure," Jase said almost curtly. 

Soph desperately wanted to ask this man if he was ok. What had happened to make him so upset? She knew she couldn't though. That just wouldn't be appropriate. 

"Well, we need to be going," Jason piped up. "We wish you a speedy recovery."

Soph didn't really want to go, although she knew it was time. Somehow, this man seemed to draw her to him even more strongly than the first time she saw him. "Yes, please do get well soon," she added sincerely.

He turned to look at her again. His eyes were intense again. She couldn't look away. "Yes, thank you. I should be discharged later today I'm told...Thank you." 

They both nodded. Just as Sophia reached the door, he couldn't help saying, "Sophia." It was almost a chant. She flashed a glance back. His gut clenched instantaneously. And then it dropped like a rock. The boy put his hand on the small of her back, hurrying her out.

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