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It had been a week from hell! Trying to deal with the fall out from the breakup was something he wouldn't wish on his worst enemy! Monday in the office had been awkward to say the least. Brian, the work colleague his ex was now with, hadn't really made much contact with him at all. And frankly he didn't want to see him. They were both professional if aloof when they had to interact. Inside, Kyle just wanted to beat the guy. Of course, he wouldn't do that, not in front of others at his office. He wouldn't jeopardise the staff interaction there. It didn't mean he didn't dream of coming up with creative ways to smash Brian's face in though. He didn't trust himself to confront Brian yet. He was so angry that he wasn't sure he'd be able to control himself once he started. He'd give it some time to make sure he was in command of himself before he did that. The worst part, was that he didn't want anyone thinking he was a coward for not confronting Brian. He chose the road of lesser evils though by taking a bit of time to cool off first. 

He had woken up after another fitful night of sleep. He had trouble getting to sleep and once he did, it wasn't long before he was awake again! He'd smashed breakfast and two cups of coffee and decided he needed to get to the beach for a swim, even if the beaches were crowded this time of year. 

He'd grabbed his towel and headed to the beach. Shedding his T-shirt he'd plunged into the water, swimming out beyond the breakers but keeping as close to between the flags as he could. He was a powerful swimmer. He'd played first team water polo in school and he'd done a bit of surf life saving in his time. That's another reason why he was so galled that boy had to help him last weekend. Disgusted with himself, he dove under the swell again. He'd been enjoying the relative quiet out deep beyond the crowds. 

Finally, with the sun quite high, he started body surfing the waves in to shore. He was waste deep in the water, wading through the last of the surf, when he looked up. It was as if he was punched in the gut. Right in front of him he saw a beauty running into the water. Drops fanning out as her feet sprang through the water creating an arc of sparkling silver blue around her each step she took. He took in the beautifully smooth, tanned legs. His eyes rose higher. He couldn't help noticing the blue and white bikini that fitted so well. The tight four pack, the slight swell of her above that. He nearly didn't notice the wave coming at him. She seemed to be calling out to someone behind her. Grimly he noticed the boy and a crowd of his friends crashing through the water behind her. Fortunately they were all too busy trying to outdo each other and dunk each other to really be close enough to her. She was closer to him in fact. Finally her head whipped round and her eyes collided with his. He saw her sharp intake of air. A question seemed to cross her face but her smile never budged. Very quickly he abandoned his ideas about getting out the water. As she came close enough to hear, he raised a hand saying, "Hey, Soph!" She looked surprised that he remembered her name. As if he couldn't forget! 

"Hey, K-Kyle," she waved almost shyly back, slowing her headlong run to a jog before coming to a stop before him. 

"I was just heading back in," he lied. "Care to join me?"

She glanced around at her friends. Stupid boy, he was so caught up trying to show off with his friends that he hadn't noticed him talking to her yet. He wasn't complaining. "Well, they look busy, so sure!" she smiled diving through the now slightly deeper waves getting her glorious mane of hair wet. She rose up through the wave, head pitched up and back, mouth slightly open, sparkling water running down her body. His mouth went dry. He followed her quickly. Diving through the waves. He decided to let her set the depth they would stop at. Maybe she didn't feel as comfortable out deep beyond where you could stand as he did. He was surprised when she kept going, heading beyond the people furthest out to the swell. Fortunately there wasn't a great swell today, so he felt a little more comfortable that she would be ok in the water and he could easily handle it if there was a problem.

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