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He was broken.

The early evening lights glistened on the gently rolling sea. The sky was clear above. Surfers commanded the waves, a speck in the distance here and there. Laughing and splashing each other waiting for the next wave.

But he was broken.

She had left him.

No. Not left him. Betrayed him.

With his business partner. In the worst way possible. He found out through a text message! This was the girl he had dreamed of, planned for. The girl he meant to marry. What had she done? And there was no denying it was true. He had confronted her and she confirmed it all. She had seemed such a perfect match.

He raked his hand through his hair again and dropped his head into his hands. Fighting for control. Fighting not to break down.

Even after her betrayal, he still loved her. Or at least he thought he did. He still felt drawn to her. Or was it just the idea of what he could have had with her?  A tear escaped, sliding down his handsome albeit unshaven cheek. His dark hair was all tussled from pulling his hand through it. He hadn't shaved in days. His eyes were red rimmed and tugged down at the corners. His usually upright bearing slumped over. Any other time, and he would have been someone who could have graced a Hugo Boss ad. He was Theo James handsome. Strong, not weak in his features. Well defined jaw. Dark eyes. Well formed lips with a devastating smile.

He looked up into the sky, for once pleading with the Lord. He laughed sardonically at himself. This is what it took to get him to talk to the Lord again. He shook his head. What did he expect? Deep down he knew the Lord was punishing him for drifting, straying. Not staying close to Him. Leaning back he let out a strained sigh as he looked around again. There were people walking their dogs. Runners out for a jog. All happy. All carrying on. While his world had broken apart.

He saw a flash in the periphery of his vision. A cyclist in bright purple speeding by. A girl. Beautiful legs he thought. He didn't really take more notice of her than that. He dropped his head again, breathing in heavily.

Trying to figure out what to do next was too much. Would he ever have another love? "Maybe Legs would get off her bike long enough to take a look at me," he sarcastically thought. He couldn't help noticing as she rounded the Point.


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