Request 7

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A/N Tedcus! i've gotten a few requests for this and its been done a few days but i didnt realize i didnt post it! so here ya go!!! <3 dont forget to vote or comment and you can always request something and be as specific or as vague as you want!!! you can choose whatever pairing you want too, it doesn't have to involve just the boys, like i can write ben and jemima or carey and marcus and such! theres no limit :D

thanks a ton guys, enjoy <3


The Best Cure for a Headache

A dull roar. That’s honestly all that Marcus can hear. A droning sound that rings behind everything else.

So many things and thoughts, more than he even knew his head could process at once are currently making their way across his vision. Part of it is a lack of sleep, part of it probably lack of eating and an overabundance of caffeine that makes him jitter with nervous energy.

But how can he be expected to sleep?

It’s a huge workload; they all were smart enough to recognize that when they were presented with everything. But none of the four cared. They were too happy doing what they loved, and doing it for nearly 16 hours a day (not including post concert parties) was the best thing any of them could imagine.

It’s a bit taxing on their health. Colds and sickness run through one and before they knew it everyone was dying of the latest flu picked up on the road.

Marcus isn’t sick for what seems like the first time in a long. This time it’s just a general feeling of fogginess, combined with a slight headache.

Ted’s fingers brush over Marcus’, making him jump with surprise.

“Feeling poorly?” Ted asks softly. Winston is splayed out on the tiny couch of the tourbus, and the sound reverberates loudly throughout the whole bus no matter how quiet you are, so Ted tries to avoid being loud enough to wake him. Winnie is going through the latest disease still.

“Nah,” Marcus whispers back. “Just a little uneasy, I suppose.”

Ted takes Marcus’ hand in his own, tracing small circles with his thumb.

Marcus frowns, looking down at their intertwined hands. Ted has bandages on three of his fingers.

“What’d you do?” Marcus asks, genuinely worried. Ted is always so worried about everyone else that his own health can be easily forgotten.

Ted clears his throat, offering an embarrassed smile. “Tore my fingers open when a string snapped on my bass.”

Marcus kisses the injury gently. “Should be more careful, yeah?”

Ted blushes, something he very rarely gets caught doing. “I haven’t changed them in ages, I shouldn’t be surprised one of them snapped.”

“Did you replace them yet?” Marcus asks, yawning.

Ted shakes his head. “I was having some trouble ‘cause the bandages. I’ll get to it tomorrow.”

“I’ll help you, if you want. But I might just have to take a nap,” Marcus mumbles.

“I don’t suppose I could join you?” Ted asks as Marcus stands. The darker haired man takes Ted’s hand, and helps him up as well.

“Of course.” Marcus pulls Ted into his arms for a hug, giving him a tender kiss on the lips. Ted returns the kiss with practiced ease. He’s always so sweet and gentle and that’s what Marcus loves about his Teddy Bear.

They settle in bunk room, which, thankfully is empty. Ben is driving with Ross upfront, and Winnie is still out cold on the couch.

“Are you sure you’re okay, Marcus?” Ted mumbles. He curls around Marcus protectively, planting kisses along his jawline. They have to squeeze together to fit into one bunk, but neither of them mind the lack of space.

“I dunno. I’ve just got a bit of a headache. Feel foggy, I guess.”

“You know what I heard?” Ted says lowly.

“Hmm?” Ted wraps his arms around Marcus, chuckling. “Winnie told me once that sex is great for getting rid of headaches.”


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