Chapter 3

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Thank you to anyone who is reading this. I hope you enjoy it!

Today felt like it came quicker than usual. In the morning Annabelle, Toby and I had a light breakfast, skipped lunch and then stayed in the alleyway for the rest of the afternoon. I had stashed the concert tickets in a pocket in Toby’s coat and then, when we need them, I noticed a  small note attached to the back of one. I felt stupid for not having seen it when Harry gave the tickets to me. I stared at the note curiously. Sloppy handwriting was smeared across the scrunched paper and I read it quickly.

April, in case you decide to come to the concert, I have arranged for a car to come and collect you. It will drop you off at the arena at 5:30pm, half an hour before the show starts. There will be a tall guy dressed in a black suit standing in the area you will get dropped off. Go to him and he will take you to my dressing room. I really want to make it work with you, April.

See you at the concert.

- Harry  xx

I couldn’t help but blush when I read his note. It was so cute. How did he know I would decide to come?

Now I grab Annabelle and Toby’s coats and tell them to put them on. We have to at least look presentable, and the coats are the best things we have. A black car pulls up outside the alleyway and we jump in. The drive isn’t too long and as we are getting out of the car, swarms of screaming teenage girls surround us. I hold onto Annabelle and Toby’s hands tightly, afraid to let them out of my sight. A buff bodyguard approaches us and motions to follow him. I keep my head down, for some reason paranoid that the paparazzi will be taking our picture again. I sigh once we are inside. We walk down a bunch of hallways, passing a lot of rooms and busy people. The bodyguard leads me to one room and knocks on the door. He then nods and walks off. The door opens from the other side and Zayn Malik’s face appears. ‘Oh,’ I say, nervously. ‘Is, um, is Harry here?’

Zayn looks at me weirdly. ‘Yeah but who are -’

‘It’s ok Zayn!’ I hear Harry’s deep voice from inside the room. He comes to the door, Zayn looking confused. ‘Don’t worry mate, I invited her,’ he says, patting Zayn’s shoulder. Tonight Harry is dressed in a simple white t-shirt with a black blazer and jeans. Skinny jeans, of course.

‘Her? You invited a girl? Who?’ I hear Liam Payne say as Harry opens the door and gestures for me to come in. It is a small room with a sofa, TV and tables in front of a row of mirrors. Niall Horan and Louis Tomlinson appear, wondering what all the commotion is about.

‘Guys, this is April,’ Harry says, a grin creeping onto his face.

Niall looks at me. ‘April..?’

‘Vinson,’ I say.

Harry laughs. ‘I didn’t even know your last name. How much of a gentleman am I?’ He puts his hand on Toby’s shoulder. ‘This is Toby and Annabelle, April’s siblings.’ The boys greet Annabelle and Toby nicely. Harry looks at me.

It took me all of last night and this morning to decide that I have should forgive Harry. I finally realised that he did nothing wrong. I was the one who over exaggerated, and now I feel bad about it.

‘So,’ Liam says. ‘I’m guessing you’re all staying for the show?’

‘Yeah, I’m sure it will be great,’ I say.

‘What do you do for a living?’ Louis asks out of no where.

‘Oh, I umm-

‘She doesn’t have a job right now,’ Harry answers for me. I could see all the boys furrow their eyebrows in confusion as to why Harry was answering my question. I smiled, attempting to lighten the mood. I knew I wasn’t going to belong here.

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