Chapter 2

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This is a short chapter but thank you for reading, hope you enjoy :)

I regret it as soon as I say it. I do want to know him, just not while he’s in the spotlight.

‘Please.’ There is a pleading tone in his voice. I stare at him and he actually looks hurt. ‘Let me drive you home at least.’

‘I don’t have a home,’ I say bitterly. He just looks at me, Annabelle still in his arms. The photographers are still yelling out questions.

‘Harry! How long have you two been dating?!’

‘How do you think the other boys in One Direction would feel about your new girlfriend?!’

‘Harry, can you sign this?’

He ignores them all. ‘Fine,’ I say.

A smile appears on his face and he tickles Annabelle happily.

We make our way to his car. I can’t believe I agreed to let him take me home. I am so stupid. He puts his hand out to open the door for me but I block him.

‘Don’t even bother,’ I snap, glaring at him. Harry looks down at the ground with a sad look on his face. Maybe it’s sympathy. I don’t want any sympathy from him, or anybody in fact. I’m sick of being constantly stared at and judged just by the way I look and for the fact that I take care of two young children on my own.

I seat myself down at the back, with Toby by my side. He leans his head on me and I slither my arm around his shoulders, pulling him close. Annabelle is still with Harry. I could hear her giggling as Harry sits down next to me with Annabelle on his lap. I feel a twinge of jealousy as I watch Annabelle with Harry. He makes her happy all the time and she is constantly smiling when she’s around him. I don’t have that same effect of her.

‘Look, April.. I’m sorry about all of this,’ he murmurs.

‘Look, Harry, I’m not forgiving you,’ I imitate. I was truly pissed off, and I wasn’t afraid to show it.

‘Okay, but you have to realise this is my life. It isn’t easy for me either, all this attention. Do you think I constantly want the paparazzi on my back, making up rumors?’

I don’t answer. I just look out the window and think about how much my life sucks right now. We sit in silence for the rest of the ride.

Some time later Harry announces that ‘we have arrived’. I unbuckle Toby and hold his hand while we walk to the alleyway. I look back to see Harry carrying Annabelle as usual, but this time he’s dead silent. I go over to our coats and neaten them up, ready for tonight. I hear a pitter patter of feet behind me and a small tug on my shirt.

‘April, when’s dinner?,’ she whines, while looking at me with those puppy dog eyes.

‘We might have to skip it tonight, honey,’ I say, sighing. This is how it was everyday. We had to miss at least one meal. Our money isn’t going to last us very long. Harry gives a sympathetic look to Annabelle.

‘You can leave now,’ I hiss.

‘No! I want Harry to stay!’ Annabelle cries.

‘Don’t you have a concert to do or something?’ I look at him.

‘No, I’m on a break today. My next show is tomorrow.’

‘Well go spend your break annoying someone else,’ I snarl, picking up Annabelle.

‘Alright,’ he finally says. He smiles at Annabelle and Toby, then turns back to his car. And then, just like that, he drives off. I met Harry Styles, even connected with him, and I’ll probably never see him again.

It Takes Two to Tango (Harry Styles)Where stories live. Discover now