Chapter 5

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Hello! Thank you to anyone that is reading this. All comments would be appreciated :) Enojoy!

I can feel the tears trying to emerge from my eyes but I don’t let them. My heart feels like it’s been smashed into a million pieces. I know we aren’t in an official relationship, but I was really beginning to like Harry - a lot.

He wraps his arms around Caroline’s thin waist, holding her close. The boys go back to their discussion, except for Louis who sits next to Harry on the couch. “Caroline, I haven’t seen you in ages!” he says.

“Yeah I know, I’ve been working in Singapore for the past six months”

Harry doesn’t even bother to acknowledge my existence until I walk out the door with Toby and Annabelle. He comes rushing over, excitement plastered on his face. “Guys, why are you leaving? We’re gonna have some drinks soon.”

I feel like if I say anything, I’ll start to cry, so I just stare at him. And of course she has to come over. “Harry come on, everyone’s talking about your performance.” Caroline wraps her arm around his shoulders.

“I’ll come in a minute sweetie,” Harry says.

She turns to me. “Harry didn’t introduce us,” she laughs, “so I’ll introduce myself. I’m Caroline, Harry’s girlfriend.” She has a genuine smile on her face, but my stomach burns with acid when I hear the word girlfriend.

“I’m April,” I say, barely audibly.

“Are you a cousin?” she looks back and forth from me to Harry. “Because you two so look related. You’ve both got the curly brown hair.” She runs her hands through Harry’s locks.

He laughs. “You’re crazy Cary. April’s just a friend I’ve been helping out.” My mind replays ‘friend’ over and over again. ‘helping out’, what am I a charity case?

“Harry, can I speak with you for a second?” I ask, my voice stern. Maybe I can finally figure out what the hell our relationship is. He nods and whispers something in Caroline’s ear. They both laugh, looking in each other’s eyes. Thats when it hits me. They aren’t just a fling, they actually have something between them. You can tell by the sparkle they have in their eyes and the smiles they exchange. I feel so sick.

Caroline walks back into the room with the other boys, leaving Harry and I alone. I close the door behind her and spin around. Harry’s face is blank.

It takes me a while to say anything. ‘What.. what the hell is going on?’

“What’s going on? What do you mean? I have a girlfriend, that’s whats going on.

“And you didn’t think to maybe, I don’t know, tell me that before we started getting close!”

“Getting close? We are only getting close as friends April, nothing more.” He looks at me as if what he said was the most obvious thing in the world. I feel a heavy load on my chest. Maybe I like him more than I realised.

“You called me beautiful. You seemed very adamant in getting to know me. You were there for me! You..” I stop. “You made me like you.”

“I didn’t make you do anything! You obviously have never had a close friend.”

I ignore his comment about not having a close friend, because I never really have had good friends in my life. “So you can look me in the eye right now and tell me that you don’t feel anything for me?”

“Yes.” He didn’t have to think twice.

“Why am I even wasting my time with an arrogant ass like you?” I push the door open and gesture Toby and Annabelle to come to me. I think I better say goodbye to the rest of the group, so I quickly run in and hug everyone goodbye. Annabelle and Toby run back into the room.

The last person I hug is Niall, but I keep thinking of Harry. ‘Friend’. ‘Nothing more’. A tear finally slips from my eye and before I can leave, Niall notices.

“What’s going on, love?” he asks, putting his hands gently on my shoulders.

I see Harry standing with Caroline again, watching us. “Nothing,” I quickly say.

“It’s not nothing if you're crying. Come on.” He leads me outside the room, but I wish he didn’t, because I could feel Harry’s eyes staring at me, probably thinking of how pathetic I am. Niall sits down on the ground, his back leaning against the wall. He pats the space next to him and I sit, looking at him until he finally says something. “Is it because of Caroline?”

“Harry.” I state, looking down at my fingers.

“Do you want to talk about it?”

“I guess.” Sighing, I begin. “He didn’t tell me that he has a girlfriend and so being the idiot I am, I fell for him.”

“Wow. That was really bad of him. But you’re not an idiot for falling for Harry. Almost every girl in the world has. But the difference is that I can tell he really likes you.”

“He made it very clear that he has no feelings for me after I confessed mine for him.”

“Look, honestly I don’t think Harry and Caroline will last. Caroline cheated on Harry last year and he was so upset, but she begged for forgiveness. I don’t know, I just don’t think they’ve been the same since. Maybe just give it some time, he’ll come to his senses eventually and realise that he should be with you. I’m sure he likes you a lot.”

I smile at him after everything he said finally makes sense. Maybe I still do have a shot. Niall tells me to take out my phone so he can give me his number in case I want to call when I’m feeling upset or need advice. I enter it into my phone, the only luxury I have been able to afford after my parents left, and thank him for helping me. I tell Annabelle and Toby we’re leaving, and I make my way outside the building to find a taxi.

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