Chapter 4

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This is a very short chapter but enjoy :)

The concert is now nearing to an end. My hair is still a matted, sticky mess and my eyes are probably red from crying. I look like such a mess. Toby wrapped his arms around me when it happened, in attempt to comfort me, but it didn’t work.

‘Its been so good having you Melbourne!’ Liam says, as they run off stage. Everyone around me scrambles to find the exit as I just sit there, still in shock. I look down to a one once fairly clean top and sigh. It’s not like I have an unlimited stack of clothes. I don’t know what to do. I look around and spot Dave. He waves at me and I grab Annabelle and Toby’s hands to walk up to him.

‘Everything alright, love?’ he asks looking at me, his eyebrows furrowing.

‘Uh, yeah. Can you just show me where the bathroom is?’ He nods and I follow him.

Annabelle and Toby wait outside with Dave as I enter a room full of teenage girls talking and laughing, applying makeup and fixing their hair. Gosh these girls really care about how perfect they look. Don’t they have anything better to do? I awkwardly push through a group and stand in front of a mirror. I reach for a tissue on the bench and dab my eyes. A girl, probably about 16, stares at me.

‘I bought a One Direction shirt if you want it,’ she says.


‘Your shirt is a bit.. wet.’ I look down at my top.

‘Oh. Thanks?’ I can hear the confusion in my voice.

Her hand dives into a plastic bag with a 1D logo on it and pulls out a black t-shirt. I chuckle a bit when I see Harry’s face on it. I smile and take the shirt, heading to a cubicle. I take off my stained top, replacing it with the new one. I wait into the cubicle until the last of the girls leave. I just want some time to myself. I hear the door open and close one last time until the bathroom is silent. I curl up against the wall of the cubicle and cry. I don’t know why though, if it’s because of the girl spilling her coke on me, or because I have literally no home to go to. My life is so messed up. I wait in the cubicle and use toilet paper to wipe my eyes. The light bulb above my head flickers on and off and I hear the bathroom door open. Ugh. More girls probably. ‘April? Are you in here love?’ Harry. My heart pounds and I vigorously wipe my eyes. I hear footsteps becoming louder and I see a shadow below the cubicle door. He stops. ‘I know you’re in here. Dave told me.’ I don’t say anything. ‘Whatever's wrong I can help you with.’ His voice is soft and silky. I take a deep breath and open the door. He stares at me with sad eyes and pulls me into him, wrapping his arms around me. ‘What’s wrong, love?’ He mumbles into my shoulder.  

I pull back and look at him. ‘Some girl spilt her coke all over me during the concert. She said she saw a magazine with us on it.' Harry gulps.

‘Thats terrible,’ he says. ‘Don’t worry about it.’ He stares at my shirt. ‘I love your top though.’ He laughs, making me laugh too. ‘Come on, lets go back to the dressing room,’ he says, putting his arm around me and I lean my head on his shoulder.

We meet up with Dave, Annabelle and Toby and walk through what seems like a maze of corridors before we arrive back at his room.

Zayn, Liam, Niall and Louis are sitting on a lounge discussing their concert. A bunch of other people that I’ve never seen or heard of surround them.

‘There you are Harry!’ A lady with jet black hair strides over and throws her arms out. ‘We’ve been waiting for you! Sit.’ Harry sits with the others while I stand with Annabelle and Toby.

‘You boys were all brilliant tonight!’ Another lady says.

The door opens and I whip my head around to see a gorgeous tall girl with hazelnut hair. She strides over to Harry. Everyone watches.  ‘Did you miss me?’ She teases. Harry’s eyes light up and he stands, looking perplexed.

‘’re back?’

‘Yes I’m back, don’t just stand there looking shocked. Kiss me.’

Harry smiles goofily and pulls her into him, kissing her softly on the lips.

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