Still Searching

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Still no sign of Spidey. For six months the friendly neighborhood web-swinger has been missing. People have been asking, making up theories and completely given up on Spidey. The Avengers and those that knew him didn't. I've checked through footage of security cameras in hopes of catching Spiderman around the time he disappeared. Unfortunately I had no luck since the kid avoided being caught on camera other than the newspaper.

This got me thinking. Spiderman is obviously a young man, well boy, in his late teens. So if he is living with someone like a family member for instance, there should be a missings persons report!

"Jarvis look up and thing about a missing teen from now and six months ago." Immediately four dozen files popped up on my hologram computer.

"Those are all that went missing?" Steve's voice whispered from behind me.

He looks at each of the kids faces with sadness in his crystal sea obs. Yes, it is upsetting to see so many kids go missing each with different reasons. Even though me are avengers we can't save everyone even if we tried. And as of right now my main focus was on saving our little bug.

"Match the descriptions to a close match to Spiderman. "I ordered the AI.

Two dozen were what was left to search through.

"Mind helping me a bit cap?"I asked the symbolic hero.

Steve nodded and began to read through half of the files.



Six fucking months and still no sign of baby boy. Where could he have gone. He never left NY so I doubted he went far. I hate to admit but needed help. And no not that type either believe me I've tried. There went many people that I could trust in helping me search due to having to describe him identity wise.

There is one whom doesn't need an description. Says White.

Oh yeah the guy with the sniffer! Yellow added.

How'd I forget about my fellow bro in red?! I haven't seen him in months since he doesn't like it when I "stink up" his territory. Sometimes I wondered if he was part bloodhound under that mask.

"Time to pay DD a visit!"I squealed excitedly as I teleported to roof to roof.

The trip to Hell's kitchen didn't take long nor was finding Daredevil. In fact he found me. He stood firmly a few feet away from me clearly unpleased by my presence.

"What do you want Wade?"He asked.

Always getting to the point. "I need your hound of a nose to direct me to Spidey!"

His shoulder's relaxed a bit. DD and Spidey got along well. They even teamed up on several occasions. DD is the only person I know to trust when it came to identies due to his lack of vision and so did Spidey.

"I've only gotten a brief whiff of his scent months before he left."Daredevil scrunched up his nose. "But there was a mixture in his scent that I couldn't really identify. It wasn't threatening and it was a bit weak too."

Now I was confused on what he was trying to say. An added scent? A drug maybe? That Otto guy always loved poking needles at Spidey when he had the chance but DD said it was nonthreatening. Either way he had a trace of my baby boy.

"It seem that he was heading upstate. That's all the information I can give you."Excited about having a lead I hugged the red horned hero catchting him off guard.

"Thanks DD!" With that I left before he could clobber me."I'm coming for ya baby boy!"


Aunt May

I stare longingly at the the photo of my little boy. Six months have come and gone and the police have not found any leads on how to find Peter. Why, I would ponder, why did he leave? Before and after Ben died Peter has been acting odd. In the beginning we thought he was in a gang but we both should've know better than to think such things. Even so I couldn't help but worry for him. Peter is all I have so if anything were to happen to him I don't know what I'd do.

Ding dong goes the doorbell. Getting up from chair I head to the door. On the other side was a shocking sight to behold. There stood Anthony Stark and Captain Steven Rogers.

"Yes, can I help you?"I asked a bit confused on why the avengers would be at my doorstep.

"Good morning ma'am," The captain says." Yes we have a few questions about your nephew, Peter Parker."

Still confused I let them in nonetheless. I lead them to the living room before grabbing refreshments for my guests. Once seated across from them they began their questions. For instance his behavoir before leaving.

"He was being Peter, nothing out of the ordinary. I know he had a habit of sneaking out and in but nothing like this." I replied. I eyed the two men suspiciously. "Why are you interested in my boy?"

Capt. Rogers looks over to Stark who pulls out a photograph of Spiderman. It was taken by none other than my Petey that I knew because no one could get perfect pictures of the vigilante. But what does Spiderman have to do with Peter?

"Ma'am this may come as a shock to you but Peter Parker and Spidey is the same person. "I didn't want to believe it but I had to admit this made perfect since. This would explain his injuries that he'd try to hide from me. My boy a hero, oh how Ben would have been so proud just as I am.

"We just wanted to let you know the avengers are searching for Pete." Stark says." That boy is like a son to me, a member of our oddball of a family. We won't stop until he's safe and sound, we promise."

I give a teary eyed smile touched by their devotionto finding my boy. Something the police failed to do.

"Thank you."

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