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Deadpool hummed on top of a building swinging his legs over the edge without a care. Down below the city was bustling as always despite it nearing twelve in the morning. He had just finished his daily evening patrol and is patiently waiting for his partner to finish his. He knew it might take some time though with two little handfuls by his side.

"Ah to think five years have passed." Sighed Yellow.

"Yes and we are already growing more wrinkles. "Groaned White.

"Hey the readers don't need to know that!"Deadpool shouted.

"Know what pops?"The ex-merc almost jumped out his skin and over the ledge when a small voice whispered in his ear.

Behind him was a mini version of Deadpool, red,black and all. The only difference were the eyes that resembled that of a spider.

"Renato Renshaw Wilson what have I told you about doing things like that!?" And speaking of spiders, Spider-Man lands on the roof with a small tinnier version of him but with pigtails.

The boy, Renato groans in response. "Not to."

"How were was your first day of patrol?"Wade asks patting Renato on the head.

"Awesome! You should of seen papa! He was all WHOOSH and BAM!"Renato exclaimed animatedly.

"Yeah he totally kicked ass!"Their daughter added causing Peter to scold her as well.

"Psyche Penina Wilson stop coping your father before he gets you into trouble."Wade smirks behind his mask a bit proud of his children taking after him. Peter not so much.

The twins had just started school and already more then twice was called by the either the teacher or principle because of their wild behavior. Not to mention them using their powers for pranks. Thus is why the twins were out on patrol with them.

Peter was against bringing them out so early into the super hero gig but he had no one to babysit the twins. His aunt was out with the girls for a fee and the avengers were on a mission in who knows where until tomorrow. Plus they needed to learn to control their powers and know what to do when their older. Each child had some of each of their parents abilities. Psyche took after her Papa the most while Renato his pop. They both have a healing factor that is similar to Wade's and Renato can climb walls like Peter. But right now the parents were not too sure of their ablitirs until they were older and fully developed.

"Ready to head home?"Wade asks while scooping up Renato and tossing him on his back.

"Awe!"The twins whined. "We don't wanna go home yet!"

"Sorry guys but its way passed your bedtime."Peter chuckled."Plus don't you wanna see your uncles tomorrow? "

"Yes!"That seemed to have done the trick. The twins absolutely loved Tony, Steve, Bruce and Clinton whenever he's around.

Psyche usually hung out with the science bros learning whatever they threw at her. Renato liked to spend time with the captain, learning diffetrnt fighting techniques and improving his art skills.

"Ever think they'll replace us?"Peter joked.

Wade gasped dramatically at that."You wouldn't replace your old man with iron pants,green bean and captain star spangles would ya?"

He gave the twins his best puppy dog face through the mask. "Of course not pops."

"Yeah who else can make the best pancakes known to man?"

"Damn straight."


"Oh right, dang straight. Better?"

Once home and the children put to bed, the parents made way to their own room. Wade stripped himself of his suit and throw himself onto the bed. Peter shook his head at his husbands childness and puts their suits away. He then climbs in bed next to Wade who drapes his arms around his shoulder and pulls him onto his chest.

"How's they do?"Wade asked seriously.

"To be honest, really well. In fact better than I'd thought they'd be. Which, "Peter sighs shakingly."scares me."

"You can't protect them forever baby boy."Wade says squeezing his shoulder comfortingly. "There will be times when they will need out help but eventually they won't need it. Unlike us, they'll have each other to lean on. We weren't given that luxury until later on in life. Lets enjoy the time we have with them okay? In the world of supers and villains our times our a bit limited."

Peter looks up at Wade with adoration and awe. He then chuckles."When did you start becoming so wise hmmm?"

"When I you put those little rascals in my arms."Wade grins.

"Its crazy, to think I am actually grateful for Octavious and his obsession with my blood. If it weren't for him the twins won't be born and we wouldn't be were we are now."

Wade lifts Peter up so he was saddling his waist. He looks up at his lover with such love it made the other mans heart ache."Even if the twins weren't born, not that I ever wished they weren't, even if it were not for that night. My heart will forever beat for you and only you."

With that Wade sealed his vow with a kiss. Peter wraps his arms around the scarred mans shoulders deepening the kiss. Just before things child could get heated the door to their room opened letting in the hall light peek in. Two little heads poked through the door, both sleepy and a bit shakened.

"C-can we sleep with you?" Psyche's voice quivered.

Her younger brother holding her hand while his other clutched onto his mini deadpool pushie. Peter motions them to get in the bed while Wade slips on his own sweats. The twins crawls in between their parents snuggling close for warmth and comfort. Peter and Wade kiss their heads before kissing each other one last time for the night.

"Goodnight loves, see you in the morning."

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