Discovery & Miracles

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By month six of being here, I had figured out what's be going on with my body. My stomach had doubled in size and my protective instincts were in overdrive. I to quiet my job due to feeling threatened by just about anything. Luckily I have enough money to pay off rent and food. Anyways I found out that...I'm expecting. The moment I felt a kick to my side I knew that life was going inside me. I freaked out for a bit. Pondering on how this could've happened and only two things popped up in my head. My mutation and Deadpool.

My inner spider saw Wade as a mate and when we did it we concieved that night.

That night I was in a very depressed state and only Wade could ease the saddness that I felt. I had felt so alone and the merc with a mouth actually made me feel wanted. One thing lead to another and well I tried to advoid him since. Not because I didn't like him in that way, no I felt strongly for Wade, I was  disgusted with myself for using him in such a manner knowing how he felt towards me.
Now here I am, hiding away from the world heavily pregnant. I can feel that I was nearing the end of my pregnancy. So I moved up to the attic were I felt safest. I just hoped that once is all over I'll be able to go home to my aunt May and Wade.


Now I understand why women both fear and love child birth. Love; is because their child is about to be welcomed to the world. Fear; because of the possibilities of death. I felt both as I laid in my nest pushing what felt like a watermelon with nails out of me. At times I wanted to give up but that would go against my morals and the child deserves a chance.

Ten excruciating hours later two small(not really) wails filled the house. I cried upon seeing them. The oldest who was a girl, who had a patch of blond hair and brown eyes. Her younger brother had a patch of brown hair and blue eyes. Despite the mixture of hair and eyes I saw myself in my-our- daughter and Wade in our son. To be honest I imagined they'd inherit some spider features but that was a silly thought.

"Wait until Wade sees you two."I smiled fondly at the twins who slept peacefully in my arms after being fed."He'd never let you go. Neither will I."

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