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My name is Lindsay Rose Potter. You've probably heard of my older brother. We were  abused until Harry was four and I was three. We were saved by Remus Lupin, my godfather also known as Moony, and Sirius Black, Harry's godfather also known as Padfoot. Our parents died October thirty-first at the hands of some guy named Voldemort.

Dumbledore sent me and Harry to live with our Aunt and Uncle, which was a big mistake. He realized his mistake when Mrs. Figg (Thank Merlin for her.) told him what was happening to us. Padfoot and Moony were sent to save us. Now the four of us live in a nice house with Mickey and Minnie, our house elves. We met a big family of red heads and Harry developed a crush on the youngest.

I helped the twins of the family plan pranks. This is how I got one of my nicknames. Same with Harry. Me and Harry found love but to prove it is the most powerful magic we had a journey ahead of us. This journey would be long and hard but it would all be worth it in the end.

I don't even know were to begin. I suppose I should start at the beginning but not the very beginning because that would take to long... *mutters* for me at least.

It all started..........

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