Chapter 1 Planning a Rescue

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No one's POV

Dumbledore had just got a letter from Mrs. Figg about Lindsay and Harry Potter. The two were being abused by their Aunt and Uncle but mostly their Uncle. Sirius Orion Black, Harry's godfather, and Remus John Lupin, Lindsay's godfather, had warned him that this would happen but he was to worried about their safety when in fact they weren't safe at all. Sirius entered angry at Dumbledore followed by Remus.


" I know. That's why I called you both here," Dumbledore said.

" What do you mean Albus," Remus asked.

" I'm sending you both to collect Harry and Lindsay. Then bring them to here to be checked out by Madam Pomfrey," Dumbledore said.

" We get our god children back," Sirius asked.

" Yes Sirius you will," Dumbledore said.

" What about my problem," Remus asked.

" Severus is willing to make the wolfsbane potion. The Dursleys just need to sign these forms  along with Harry and Lindsay," Dumbledore said handing over the forms.

Remus takes the forms.

" Albus can you contact Molly and tell her to meet us here with her two youngest and her two oldest? Also can you contact Andromeda and tell to meet us here with Dora? We might need some help comforting Lindsay and Harry," Remus said.

" Of course. But don't forget to bring Lindsay and Harry here," Dumbledore said.

Remus and Sirius nodded and left the office. Once at the gates of Hogwarts they apperated to number four Privet Drive. Dumbledore started contacting Andromeda and Molly.


HAPPY EASTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Who's Andromeda?

Who's Dora?

Who's Molly?

Who's Molly's two youngest Children?

Who's Molly's two oldest children?

Not very good questions right?

What will happen at number four Privet Drive?

You guys can put your ideas in the comments.

This chapter is 297 words long in total.

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- GinnyWeasleyRules

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