Chapter 2 Rescue

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No one's POV

The Potter siblings were in their cupboard after a rough beating from their Uncle Vernon. Lindsay only had gotten a few bruises, a cut on her lip, a few cuts on her back, and a few broken ribs maybe. Harry had more bruises, cuts, and broken bones. Lindsay was tending to her brother's wounds gently.

" You should take care of your own injuries, Linds," Harry said.

Lindsay shook her head 'No' and gave him a 'You're more important' look. Lindsay Potter could speak but didn't in worry that she might get in trouble but her pronunciation wasn't the best.

" I wish we had a bettew home Emewald," Lindsay whispered.

All of a sudden they hear yelling and they huddle in a corner scared.

A few minutes earlier Remus and Sirius knocked  on the door of number four Privet Drive. Petunia Dursley answered the door and tried to shut it but Sirius blocked the door from shutting with his foot. Him and Remus entered the house. Petunia screamed and Vernon came in to see what was happening.

" Where are they," Sirius asked angrily.

Petunia and Vernon didn't say a word. So, Sirius and Remus looked around and found a fat toddler, who they knew was probably Dudley, playing with a ton of toys. They couldn't find Harry and Lindsay anywhere.

" WHERE ARE THEY," Sirius yelled.

That's when Lindsay Potter sneezed. Remus and Sirius opened the cupboard door and saw two frightened, skinny, and hurt toddlers.

" It's ok we aren't going to hurt you. We're going to take you both away from here," Sirius said in a kind and gentle voice.

Harry didn't seem sure. He looked at his sister cause she was a good judge of character and she could tell when someone lied. Lindsay nodded after looking at Sirius and Remus for a bit. The two Potters got closer to Remus and Sirius.

" Ok but to get both of you out of here you both need to sign here. Can you do that," Remus asked in a kind and gentle voice while pointing to where the Potters needed to sign.

They nodded and signed their names.

" Is there anything you want to bring," Sirius asked with a kind and gentle voice.

Harry looked worried that they might leave him and his little sister if they didn't have anything. He was thinking when Lindsay answered.

" We don't own anything," Lindsay said.

Sirius and Remus looked at each other then back at the two Potters.

" That's ok," Remus said with a smile.

They got the Dursleys to sign the form. Remus picked up Lindsay while Sirius picked up Harry and walked out of number four Privet Drive. Harry and Lindsay squirmed at being picked up. Soon Lindsay had calmed down. Lindsay cuddled into Remus which surprised him.

" Ok you both are going to feel like your being sucked into a tube but you'll be ok," Remus said in a kind and gentle voice.

The two Potters nodded and prepared for it. The sensation of apparating was not fun at all for Harry but Lindsay enjoyed the form of travel a little more then her brother. The two Potters looked in direction that Sirius and Remus were taking them. They stared in awe at the big and bright castle in front of them. Both Potters knew they would get lost.

Once in the castle they were taken up a ton of stares by Sirius and Remus. Soon they reached their destination......


Please leave questions for me to answer and, if you want, answer my questions.

Some questions are from last time.

Who's Andromeda?

Who's Dora?

Who's Molly?

Who's Molly's two youngest children?

Who's Molly's two oldest children?

Where has Remus and Sirius taken the two Potters?

What will the two toddlers do?

Will Lindsay and Harry be ok?

Will Remus and Sirius be able to take care of Lindsay and Harry?

What will happen next?

This chapter is 646 words long in total.

Please vote, comment, and follow.

- GinnyWeasleyRules

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