Chapter 4 Awakening (And the Tags of Doom)

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Ok so I got tagged three times so at the end of this Chapter I'm going to type the tags in italics then I'll do the regular stuff in bold as always. So let's begin.

No One's POV

Harry James Potter had woken up to find Remus and Sirius gone. He was now worried that they want him. He left forgetting about his little sister. Lindsay Potter woke up not to long after and saw that her brother was missing. She looked around frantically.

" Emewald. Emewald! EMEWALD," Lindsay yelled sounding frightened.

Lindsay woke up Ginny, Ron, Charlie, Dora, and Bill with her yelling.

" Woah! What's wrong Lindsay," Charlie asked.

" Emewald is missing," Lindsay said through tears.

" Emerald," Bill asked sounding confused.

" I think that's her nickname for Harry," Dora said.

Lindsay nodded her head while crying. Ginny hugged Lindsay and Lindsay hugged back. Ron hugged both girls. Dora hugged all three toddlers with Charlie and Bill.

" I'm scawed," Lindsay said.

" It's ok," Dora said.

" I'll go get the adults," Bill said.

Bill hurriedly went to get the adults.

Outside young Harry had realized what he had done. He looked at the castle and thought of his sister that he left behind. He felt terrible. She trusted those people. He should have trusted her judgement. He went back to the castle but once in the castle he didn't know where to go.

" Yeh lost," a deep voice behind him asked.

Harry turned around to find a very tall man. He couldn't find words so he nodded his head.

" Yeh must be on of Poppy's patients," the tall man said picking Harry up.

Again the boy nodded.

The adults were back in the Hospital Wing. Lindsay was still being held in a hug by Ginny, Ron, Dora, and Charlie.

" Why would he leave," Sirius asked.

" He might have thought you and Wemus didn't want him cause you wewen't hewe," Lindsay said.

" Why do you think that Pup," Remus asked.

Lindsay just shrugged. She didn't know how or why but she just felt like that would be the reason he left. Soon a very tall man entered the room. Lindsay saw her older brother.

" Emewald," Lindsay said.

" Linds," Harry said as he was set on the bed.

" Thank you Hagrid for bringing Harry back," Sirius said.

" As in Lily and James's son," Hagrid asked.

" Yes and their daughter," Remus said pointing to Lindsay who was now free from the hug she was in.

Hagrid looks at Lindsay and Harry.

" I haven't seen yeh two since yeh were babies. Yeh both have grown soon much since I last saw yeh. When I last saw yeh both yeh were tiny little ones," Hagrid said.

Lindsay giggled at what Hagrid said.

" Thank you Hagwid fow finding my big bwothew and bwinging him back hewe," Lindsay said looking at Hagrid.

Hagrid nodded and looked at the adults.

" I have to finish some things before school starts so I best be off," Hagrid said.

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