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Chapter 2

George's POV

Everything went awesome, Ringo was fabulous, of course Paul and John were too, but specially Ringo, I knew there was something wrong before the concert, but he did everything awesome, I couldn't stop thinking about that little drummer and his beautiful, blue eyes, uh what? No I'm not queer, I like woman.

We finished performing and we walked away from the stage.

"You were awesome Rings!" I told Ringo with a big smile, he looked at me like he has never done before, but I didn't really know what was it.

"Uh thanks you were too" he told me and he walked away, I don't know what's wrong with him, he's mad at me? But why I hadn't done anything wrong... Or that's what I think.

I walked to Ringo, I don't want him to be mad at me, he's my best friend! I couldn't live without him.

"What's wrong?" I told him looking at his eyes

"What? I'm ok George" he told me with a rude tone of voice and again walked away, trying to avoid me. I was planning to talk again about it when we got back to the hotel.

We got back to the hotel and there we were, Ringo, John, Paul and I,

"What an awesome performance lads!I'm going out anyone with me?" John said, I kinda wanted to go, but I was too tired and preferred talking to Ringo.

"I'm on Johnny" Paul said, he's always with John, I've always thought there was something between those two lads, John looks at Paul in a unique way, he never looks anyone else like he does with Paul.

They shut the door and walked away so we were Ringo and I alone in the hotel, complete silence and Ringo trying to avoid me, I was so sad, but I faked I was ok I don't like to look queer to Ringo.

"Ringo ok I know you're trying to avoid me, was I mean to you or something?" I told him nervously.

"I already told you I'm ok George!" He stood up from the table and shut his room's door.

I walked to the kitchen, put my head in my hands and started crying, I was acting like a queer, but I was just broken.

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