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John's POV

"Morning John" Paul said as he smiled and kissed my cheek
Actually this was the best decision of my life, inviting Paul to Paris, now we two love each other and we don't have to hide it

"'Ello princess Macca" I said and laughed, then kissed his lips softly

"Uh John what happened last night..."

"What Paul?"

"I just wanted to say it was the best night of my life... I love you John"

I smiled and looked to his beautiful hazel eyes
"I love you too Paul"

"Could you do me a favor John?"

"Sure whatever you want Paulie

"Can you please sleep with me the rest of the trip? I want every night to be like this one"

"Paul, even if you didn't ask me to I was planning to do it" I laughed and kissed him again, god his lips are so soft

"So what would you like to do today?" Paul asked

"I don't care as long as I'm with you" I said, yeah sounded too bloody queer but that's what I am, isn't it?

We were both just in our boxers, so it was really hot

"Then I could stay here all day I guess" Paul said and started kissing me really hard
Then I slammed him to the wall and well you know what happened next
{Sorry I'm not good at writing details xD}

{guys uh This chapter is really really short but idk I don't have more ideas :/ sorry this chapter is also a bit shitty but I'll try to write more and better ily all❤️ and yeah i couldn't think of a title hahah well anyway maybe I update it today xoxo :*}

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