I promise

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John's POV

Paul and I were sat hugging on the floor with only our underwear
Paul's head was on my shoulder
I gently kissed his head

"Yes Paul?"
"Is this ok?"
"What Paul?"
"Ye know the thing between us"

I grabbed his face and looked him straight in the eyes and said
"I really don't care if it is ok or not Paul
Nothing or anyone will tear us apart I promise"
I kissed him softly

"Okay john I love you" he kissed me back

"Wanna go to visit some places love?" i said

"Okay John I'd love to" he smiled and we dressed up, and went to visit a lot of awesome places in Paris

I really hope this thing with Paul lasts a long time
He's my everything now

{really short chapter sorry :( anyway I wanted to tell you guys I have a great idea for a couple more chapters! ^_^ forgive me if this is boring :( but just wait like 3 chapters more and I think I gotta good idea like I said before just wait :*
Thank you all for reading and wait because better things are coming! :D
Ily all <3}

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