Chapter 6. Waking up

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The annoying beeping of the monitors woke Terra, something had her feeling like she was back in that lab. The room was too white and the sun, shining off the wall's and directly in her eyes. She sighed in frustration as he pulled herself from the bed to close the curtains. Terra's body was sore from head to toe, she felt like she had just gone to hell and back. She stretched a little and sat back down on the bed. There was a quite knock on the door, before she could say anything it was then pushed open and a lady with short brown hair and green eyes walked in. She had on the normal nurse outfit and a clipboard in hand.

"Oh your awake that's great news". She smiled as she checked her vitals and wrote them down. "Well I'll be off to get you, your paperwork that you will need to sign then you are okay to leave". she bowed then stepped to the door.

Before she left Terra asked her, "Miss, how many days have I been here". She looked back then down at her paper. "About 3 days Miss." Terra closed her eyes and nodded. She left the room quietly. Well she guess it was way better then being dead.

Terra looked around the room for her cloths. There was no sign of them and she knew for a fact she was not about to walk out of the hospital in some night gown, showing her butt off to the world. She slid the bathroom door open and sure enough there was a plastic bag with all her stuff in it. 

Terra pulled the cords off her body and walked into the bathroom closing the door to get dressed. She looked at her close for a moment, maybe she would have been better in the night gown, they had been washed, but still stained with blood in more then one place. It took her a little longer than normal to get dressed. Her arm was really sore and she had a lot of burses not to motion the yellowing of the one on her face.

She pulled her hair up into a messy bun and then walked back into the room. The nurse was just walking at the same time. "Here you are, sign here." She pointed to a line at the middle of the page, Terra took the pen and signed her name. "Okay, Terra your all set now take care of yourself". She said with a soft smile, tired nodded to the nurse.

Walking out of the Hospital was like a breath of fresh air. It was already late in the day, as the sun turned to a burnt orange color in the sky. Her stomach started to grumble loudly. Terra was ravenous being in the hospital on a liquid diet, want good for her heath in the slightest she needed substances.

She looked down at her stained cloths, if she went out like this it would surly freak put the neighbors. Terra got back to her hotel room and started a hot shower. This was what she truly needed right now. Terra started thinking about how home sick she was, she missed her mother and Father. Sure she acted like a hard ass and said she didn't need them, but deep down they were her world, she would do anything for them.

Terra undressed slowly and through her cloths into the trash, no use keeping them. They where more then ruined. Terra stepped into the steaming shower and washed the crimson color blood from her hair and body. The hospital did there best, but they wouldn't worry about cleaning her all the way when her injuries were more life threating.

The shower relaxed deep into her muscles. She sighed as she closed her eyes and let the water beat over her head. Terra started to get the feeling again, something was going to happen. 'Would she go to him? Should she? What could he possible want with me? My body or power? Could he help me learn how to control her power? She tired to ignore all the questions bouncing off her skull, she opened her eyes. This was going to become a problem


Finished and still Short- 

Two Of A Kind And One Of The Heart. An Uchiha Love Story. **UPDATING**Where stories live. Discover now