Chapter 13. The Fight

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Chapter 13

The proctor stated the rules, then with one last word he said begin. There they stood staring at each other. Terra slid into my fighting stance pulling out a kuni and spinning it into her hand, with one push off the ground she was running at the girl. One thing she knew straight off the line was that the stupid scrolls was slowing her down. They two collided into each other sparks form our kuni's flashed as they pushed each other back. "You fight like a weak girl, who spends too much time on her own hair and boys instead of her training." She hissed out, Terra narrowed her eyes. "You don't know anything about me," She through the kuni at Oda as she rolled out of the way coming back at Umi. Umi unhooked dropping the scroll from her back and counterattacked her kick by grabbing her leg and swinging her off into the wall. "What was that about fighting like a girl" Terra said, raising an eyebrow. She watched her about to make contact with the stone wall. Black flipping in midair her feet made contact and she pushed off coming at me like a bullet form a loaded barrel. Doing hand sings in midair she called out. "Wind style: Devastation," with that an extremely harsh gust of wind through Terra to the ground.

Terra was able to stop her body as she slid back crouched on one knee. It was now time to get serious. She activated the Sharingan, Oda couldn't be sneaky. "Fire style: Phoenix flower jutus. Terra quickly did hand signs then blew out in a deep breath of air. Following her as she jumped and doge some of the attacks, cinching off some of her hair in the process. Oda came at Terra again this time in hand to hand combat. Kick punch, kick doge, Terra landed a full connected hit to her face sending her back a little as she came back with a round house kick that sent Terra to the ground winded. 'Ugh, I just want to use all my strength so I and kill her' Terra groaned in her head frustrated as she picked herself up, "Your holding back," Oda sung out to Terra, "Shadow clone jutsu," six clones appeared as they headed to the girl for a moment of distraction. Terra started her hand sings, Lightning style: electric touch. Looking almost like the Chidori her hands where sparking with the blue and yellow current of electricity. Oda came at Terra in a swift motion coming inches away from her face, Terra blocked the hit and grabbed her arm, though not fast enough she disappeared and repapered behind the red hair girl.

Canceling the jutsu Terra quickly drooped into a back bend and kicked Oda in the face with her foot sending her to the ground. She rolled out of the way from the other kick grabbing Terra's leg and swinging her into the ground. Kicking up from the ground Oda didn't waist coming at Terra again.  This time Terra didn't see when she pulled out a kuni lodging it deep into her shoulder. I grabbed onto it as she push off of the black hair girl causing Terra to fall to the ground. "Sweet little girl you have nothing compared to my power," She laughed as with no time to blink she hit Terra again and again. One punch to send me into the air and as she was falling a knee kick to the stomach that sent Terra back up and one last punch that sent me into the wall causing a massive hole. Terra coughed as she fell from the wall, 'those words, that's him'. Her thoughts were screaming, the warning bells sounding. all. Of all the people she could have fought she was stuck with Orochimaru, and no one knew it was him. Terra knew she was in too deep, he never held his punches on her.

Terra spit onto the ground and wiped the back of her hand over my mouth. Getting up, "So are you going to show everyone your true form." She yelled at him, her, him, snake whatever he was. "In due time sweet heart in due time." He said eyeing me, "Terra I'm upset with you, why are you holding out on me, there is no need to or could it be your just protecting your boyfriend from the truth." Terra clenched my teeth as the words slowly leaked out of his mouth. She chanced a glance to the balcony where Sasuke was who was staring at her with more than concern on his face. "You have no idea what you are talking about". She yelled at him, he was starting to get on her nerves why couldn't he just leave me alone. "To bad, Terra I was hoping you would reconsider today, But I guess not, maybe I should just stop asking and take you by force once again. At least I would know you where safe." She got up and pulled out kunis tossing them in his direction, Attached to them where paper bombs.

One by one she set them off. Orochimaru jumped back and forth dodging them. With a quick bit of my thumb I slid my thumb down her palm where the kenji symbol for mouth was as she shove it into her back pouch where it ate the detonating clay. No more than seconds later C1's where produced and she pulled out some shurnikins attaching them to the tips Terra ran as fast as her body would let her throwing them at him 6 here 7 there. One hit him logging into his arm. She backed up slowly picking up the scroll that she had dropped at the beginning of the fight and looked up to see Orochimaru smirking."I wouldn't look so happy.
Terra grinned, with one hand sign she yelled "kiy" with one big explosion they were all blown back. As the smoke cleared form the arena their stood now the half girl half man his disguise ruined form the explosion causing his true form to slip through, "I was hoping to play with you a little longer my pet but it seems like our time is up". Thats when Terra noticed all the ANBU making their way into the arena. He then made hand sings that she had seen before. 'Shit not good', Snakes stared to slither out of his mouth, without thinking Terra activated Amaterasu out of pure fear. The snakes rythed on the floor, burning up as she fell to her knees cupping her eye it was hurting so bad. Letting out a painful cry, "You truly are one of a kind". Orochimaru said from the other side of the unstoppable black flame. I cupped my eye more as blood began to drip from her hand. Terra popped the scroll open with one hand and rolled it out, it was time to go home no matter the cost. Summing the strength she did quick hand signs then bit her thumb sliding it over the scroll.

Everything happened so fast, they all appeared in front of her every person she loved and oh how she missed them. "Grab her Itachi". Pain voice was assertive but concerned. Before her sight was taken from Terra completely she looked to Sasuke who was murderous, she guessed his brother's present really did send him off the deep end. A cold hand cupped over her eyes as she could feel the jutsu starting to wear off. She was picked up quickly and form the sound of it they weren't in the leaf village anymore. Everything started to become unclear, like she was falling into a pit of water. "Terra"? Itachi said, "Kisame go find Zetzu. Itachi bring her into the other room," I could hear Pain barking orders at everyone. "Terra wake up", Itachi's voice yelled at her as a bone breaking cough welded up in her chest and broke through her lips and the blood poured out of her mouth all over Itachi and onto the ground. "Pain?" Itachi's words where more like a worried question. "I know", Pain said her body was laid down onto something cold. The room grew darker and the voices became muffled, 'Sasuke I never ment to hurt you', my mind cried into the void. As all she could see in her mind's eye was Sasuke's angry glare. 'I'm sorry', her mind said over and over again as everything faded to black.


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