Chapter 15. Back Again

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It had been a good couple of months back at the hideout, falling back into what Terra would consider normal here. She wouldn't call it one of the best times though. Most of her time consisted of testing limits. How hard she could physically push herself till the sickness started to act up. It was a hassle, some days would be better and others well, not so good. Sometimes Terra would push herself so hard she would be sick in bed for a week or more. It was putting a toll on her, all Terra wanted to do was find a cure and be done with it. Her parents still out on their current mission, something to do with an important scroll. They had yet to return, which sounded about right. She was used to them never being around. Zetzu had been drugging Terra with different medication, and someone more experimental ones with no clear path for a cure. He left early, a week ago to fine medicine and other scrolls about rare curses.

Terra stared at the tops of her hands as she remembered the night that Orochimaru gave her that new tattoo the words Light and dark on the top of her hands. She rubbed at the skin where the marks would appear. So she was sure that wasn't why she was getting I'll Kiray and Shiro confirming her thoughts about Kabuto druging her. She just wanted to know what in the world it all meant. The only time she saw the small tattoo's is when she got blood on her hand. She wondered what her mother would say when she saw them. No one made a fuss otherwise, but Terra had a feeling there was something else going on here. Something she had been too naive to see before she had left. Mostly everyone was gone at the hideout on their own missions. Hidan on the other hand was still here complaining about everything he could, cussing up a storm. Then there was Kisame and Itachi doing whatever they did on their day off. Pain and Konan where getting ready to head out as well so she was going to be board here once again. Terra soon realized living here at the hideout was more like living in a prison than it was like being home. Sure she had grown up at various locations they had, but she was never aloud to venture off on her own, to be free to choose what she truly wanted.

Terra stood up from the couch and clicked off the TV and made her way to the door that led out into the dark hallway. Who would have ever guessed that Hidan, of all people would have been about to walk into the room. Terra had smacked him in the head with the door so hard, she was sure he would have a bump. Now let me remind you about one thing it wasn't a normal door it was like the door you see at a restaurant where you can push it open both way. "What the Hell" he said grabbing onto his head that was now bright red. "Why you little bitch I'm going to permanently kill you," Terra turned to look at him with no expression on her face."Your efforts would be futile," She then continued to walk down the hall, Terra didn't get far when I she was grabbed by her shirt and tossed into the wall.

"Watch and learn sweetheart," He yelled and Terra could practically see the smoke coming out of his ears. "You should look into some anger management classes," Terra smirked standing up and brushing the dirt off her shoulder which had him fuming. "Why, you..". Hidan shook his hand at her, about to punch when Itachi grabbed his hand. "Come Terra, Pain wants to see you now." Itachi said, letting Hidan's hand go. "You two do know the rules about fighting inside the hideout?"

"He started it," terra said walking past Hidan as she flipped her hair out and flipped him off. Hidan sucked in a breath and stomped off into the other direction away from them. "Don't you remember what happens last time." Itachi said throwing an arm over Terra's shoulder playfully. "Yeah, Yeah I know you break it you pay for it. Last time he broke my arm in five different places and I didn't get an ounce of payment out of it," She said shoving his arm off as they reach Pains door. Itachi sighed then knocked on the door. Before Pain could answer Terra walked inside leaving Itachi stunned outside the door. "Terra you are getting on my last nerve." Pain said setting his papers down on the desk. She didn't say anything as she plopped  down in one of the chairs in his office. "So?" She asked already annoyed with the silence. That's all it was here, silence and secrets. It was also just one of those days you know waking up on the wrong side of the bed and all. "Your going on a mission since I can't let you stay here with Hidan. You two might burn the whole place down." She laughed a little as Pain rubbed his face in frustration. "Ok! So where am I going?" She said jumping up off the chair. Her spirts lifting, "You're going with Itachi and Kisame to capture the Nine Tails," He said eyeing her. Terra schooled the emotion on her face, she knew better than to show her feelings. She couldn't deny the feeling of her heart sinking. She didn't want anything to do with going back to Konoha nor did I want to hurt one of her closest friends or even see that certain someone who probably hated her very existence. 'Ughhh why me why does all this bad shit have to happen to me' I mentally screamed. "When do we leave" Her tone less excited more business professional. "Tomorrow", Terra nodded then left the office, if it was just her going on the mission she was sure she wouldn't have returned. She knew where she was needed now and it wasn't here.

Two Of A Kind And One Of The Heart. An Uchiha Love Story. **UPDATING**Where stories live. Discover now